Fausta's blog

Faustam fortuna adiuvat
The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Two articles on the Palestinian elections
When People Freely Choose Tyranny, It’s still a loser
But the desire for freedom, as the fear of freedom, is universal, and most human beings will fight for freedom when the time is right.

And that's the nub of the question, I think. The time is not always right, and history is full of examples of romantic democrats losing everything by fighting desperately when they had no real chance of success. But today the time is right. Ours is a moment characterized by radical change, when tyrants feel threatened, when freedom is advancing, and revolution is the defining characteristic of international affairs. John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Lech Walesa, and the others all understood that, which is why Reagan was able to announce that the evil empire's days were numbered, and why John Paul told his followers "be not afraid."
Why Hamas Leaves Me Neutral
The strong Hamas victory, wrote Steven Plaut of Haifa University, is "the only thing that stands a chance of forcing Israelis to open their eyes and wake up." Its ascent might conceivably wake others up, too; will Spain's blinkered government note the recent call by a Hamas children's publication for the city of Seville to be returned to Muslim rule?

Possibly. But I hold out meager hope that Hamas in power will provide a reality check. The "peace process" community will not give up its cherished negotiations just because a murderous totalitarian organization has been elected. As has inexorably been the case since 1993, it will ignore this setback and press ahead for more Israeli concessions.
Neo-neocon asks Why is this man the senior foreign correspondent at a major newspaper[*]? when he sees the recent Hamas victory as a chance for Europe to try its more nuanced approach to the Middle East conflict. I'm sure even more Israeli concessions will be part of the nuance.

Update The Daily Ablution has more on [*] The Guardian's Terror Apologia of the Month

Mock trial on Bush, Blair, and Sharon
featuring such luminaries as Giuliana Sgrena and George Galloway, to be held in Cairo. Gateway Pundit has the details.

All it's missing is Michael Moore.

Gates of Vienna asks,
Does this sound familiar? Are we not once again in the Senate basement with the Democrats holding their mock impeachment of Bush a few months ago? Amazing parallel in the mind sets of these two groups, isn’t there?
After all, why pay attention to WMD Disclosures that Will Not Be to the Liking of Terrorists, of Saddamists, and… of the West's Bush- and America-Bashers, when there's the mock trial?

Brain patterns, the good marathon, today's articles, and 24
Scientific brain linked to autism This is an interesting finding, but most interesting is that
In a paper published in the journal Archives of Disease of Childhood, Professor Baron-Cohen labels people such as scientists, mathematicians and engineers as 'systemizers'.

They are skilled at analysing systems - whether it be a vehicle, or a maths equation - to figure out how they work.
On January 19 I speculated that the brains of technologically-talented people learn in ways that are not addressed by current school curricula. Maybe I'm right.

The good marathon: the Marathon du Médoc. Six hours to walk twenty-six miles of wine, gourmet snacks, and if you win, your weight in wine. And on time for my birthday, too. Hmm.

Other bloggers emailed
Senate Votes to End Debate on Alito Nomination
Sexy Priest Blesses Using Coke Light - Time For Christian Jihad?

" It is an insult to those who died to tell the American people that the organization posing the greatest threat to their liberty is not al Qaeda but the FBI."
Our Right to Security
The sister of the pilot of AA flight 77 writes
Three weeks before 9/11, an FBI agent with the bin Laden case squad in New York learned that al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi were in this country. He pleaded with the national security gatekeepers in Washington to launch a nationwide manhunt and was summarily told to stand down. When the FISA Court of Review tore down the wall in 2002, it included in its ruling the agent's Aug. 29, 2001, email to FBI headquarters: "Whatever has happened to this--someday someone will die--and wall or not--the public will not understand why we were not more effective and throwing every resource we had at certain problems. Let's hope the National Security Law Unit will stand behind their decisions then, especially since the biggest threat to us now, [bin Laden], is getting the most 'protection.'"
Read it all.
Dr. Sanity looks at the Blatantly Contradictory Media

Maria's articles
Maria manages to find dozens of articles, and today she sent us,
The WaPo finds a study that says Republicans are racist: Study Ties Political Leanings to Hidden Biases
That study found that supporters of President Bush and other conservatives had stronger self-admitted and implicit biases against blacks than liberals did.
My experience as a Hispanic woman has been that Republicans are a great deal more open-minded to minorities' capabilities and have higher expectations of what minorities can accomplish by their own work, than Democrats. Sigmund, Carl and Alfred ask a few questions.
Update: Michelle Malkin's commenter Charles M. looks at methodology.

Dr. Sowell advices the Republicn party to support Black conservatives: Republicans and blacks
It is not rocket science to see that whatever chances the Republicans have of making inroads into the black vote are likely to be better among more conservative blacks.

Black religious groups opposed to abortion or homosexual marriage are an obvious group to try to reach. So are black business owners or military veterans.

Does anyone think that President Bush's awarding a Medal of Freedom to Muhammad Ali was likely to appeal to such groups? Yet this continues a pattern in which Republicans have tried to approach black voters from the left.
We knew that already, but now it's official: Ted Kennedy Disgraced Himself. The article's author is former chief counsel of the House Judiciary Committee and a lifelong Democrat.

The first Russian film based on a novel by the Soviet-era dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn has been shown on Russian state television.: Solzhenitsyn in Russia film first

On a lighter vein,
Blogs4Bauer liveblogged and TiVo'd. What Would Jack Bauer Do?
Because it's a hoot to watch a cliff hanger based on the WOT where the basic premise is that the only outside enemies the USA has are those the USA creates.

The writers needed a love note so they have Audrey call Jack in the middle of a national emergency to ask him if he loved her. We all know how that conversation would have gone in real life, don't we?

Update: More on 24 from Dave Barry and his 400 visitors.
Update 2Commenter Jaybear:
Frankly, I was disappointed on a number of fronts last night….the whole thing about setting up a WMD situation, to justify our middle east position, seems to be playing to the viewers who are looking for something to watch now that Commander in Chief and West Wing have been scrapped….you know, hook ‘em with a good BushHitlerCheneyHalliburtonBigOilEnron conspiracy theory….

If this sort of soft shoe leaning to the left continues, I’m renting the 24 first season DVD’s and forgetting about this season.
And this business of the girlfriend calling in the middle of an assignment has to stop.

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Monday, January 30, 2006

Venezuelan prisons, Bolivia, and Cuba
Saturday I was reading the following at The Economist on Venezuela’s Prisons: Efforts to humanise a hellhole
Venezuela's jails, say prison-reform groups, have long been among the worst. On an average day, at least one prisoner dies violently, the result of overcrowding, the availability of drugs and guns, and a poorly trained and understaffed prison service. "If you don't have a CHUZO (a handmade knife), you can't survive in prison," said Jesus Adirio Quiroz, an inmate.
. . .
The prisons, admits the interior minister, Jesse Chacon, "are warehouses for people". Since Mr Chavez took office in 1999, eight interior ministers and 12 prisons' directors have failed to stop the system from getting worse. That is now set to change, according to the "humanisation" team set up by Lieut-Colonel Erling Rojas, an army officer who is the new prisons director.
And who did Hugo call for help? Sweden, maybe? Denmark, perchance?

Hugo called Fidel (emphasis mine):
Helped by hundreds of volunteers and several dozen Cuban advisers, the team spent six weeks interviewing prisoners.
Long-term readers of this blog are familiar with my posts on Cuban prisons, from the mass killings directed (and conducted) by Che, to the latrine-like dungeons where political prisoners are kept.

Just another step into Cubazuela.

But we shouldn’t be surprised, since Chavez praised mullahs' regime of Iran as an "outstanding model"

Chavez, in his acceptance speech, praised Iran as an "outstanding model" in the struggle against US imperialism, and said "the Iranian nation's historical defeat of imperialism in the 20th century through the leadership of (the late) Imam Khomeini had made it possible for them to take control of their own resources." "The imperialist US is against Iran because Iranians now control their own strategic resources and potentials," said the president, who assured Iranians that Venezuelans were with them in their strugge.

Chavez, who distinctively called Sobhani the "special guest" in the ceremony, praised the "great" Iranian nation which, he said, is currently facing great pressure in the face of US ire.
In that, Hugo’s reading straight from Fidel’s script, as Cuba calls for enhanced ties with Iran. Bolivia’s Evo has been listening, and following his swearing in ceremony, the Chairman of the [Iranian] Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Alaeddin Borujerdi said that appointing a separate ambassador for Bolivia is one of the measures to be taken as soon as possible in order to develop bilateral ties (emphasis mine):
Morales had expressed hope that following the promotion of diplomatic relations between Iran and Bolivia, La Paz would also benefit from Iran’s potential in different technical and engineering fields as well as in the oil and gas sectors.
The Economist reports that Evo offers a Radical cabinet, ambiguous message.

Maria Anastasia O'Grady of the Wall Street Journal (Friday Jan. 27, by subscription) is not as subtle describing the Axis of Evo
The most tragic aspect of Evo's decision to let Cuba and Venezuela annex his country is where this all leads for the majority Indian population in one of the region's poorest countries. Their hopes soared on Sunday as they watched one fo their own, from humble beginnings, sworn into the highest office in the land. They no doubt think that Evo -- who rose to power by leading coca growers against crop eradication pushed by U. S. drug warriors -- will care for his own in ways that the white, upper-class leadership never did. But Fidel long ago destroyed underclass hopes for a better life and Hugo is doing the same.

After six years of Chavez, Venezuelans, once ecstatic about their Bolivarian Revolution, are sinking deeper into poverty. Fidel's largely Afro-Cuban population is destitute after almost 50 years of El Máximo Lider.
Not everything’s going to hell on a handbasket – in Cuba, there’s a new TV channel,
This station, with an informative and cultural profile, is included in the country´s efforts to raise the intellectual and educational level of all Cubans
Fidel gets CNN, though.

In a lighter vein,
The wall of impotence is coming right along in Havana. Val has the details.

I can’t wait for Fidel to finish the current construction project so the Americans can move the sign to the other side of the building.

Update Living in the epicenter of nihilism in Latin America While I disagree with the author since I believe that the Latin American countries themselves are responsible for their own situations, it's an interesting article.

Update 2 Bear Baiting Revisited: Venezuela and Iran, on Hugo's threat to 'lock up' US spies.

Update 3 Don't miss Iran Roundup: January 30, 2006 at Philomathean.

Update 4: Run, Cindy, run!

More here, here, and here

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Tagged by Lost Budgie, VDH, Camp Katrina, and today's articles

At the blogs
Lost Budgie tagged me to put up a "Buy Danish" story:
Last Fall, Denmark's largest newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, published twelve cartoons of Islam's Prophet Muhammad as part of a movement to ensure free speech in a secular society.

Now Islamists are calling for a world-wide boycott of Danish products and rewards have (of course) been offered for the murder of the artists.

One large dairy company is being specifically targeted: Arla Foods. Many Saudi stores are now refusing to carry the products or are labeling them "Danish" on the shelves.
Read more at Lost Budgie: Cartoon Jihad: Buy Danish - Fight Dhimmitude. ¡No Pasarán! has a post on Danes currently under cyber-attack.
Here's a site listing companies that sell products made in Denmark, and a site showing available holiday home rentals, but you can make a modest start by checking out food products at the supermarket.

Switzerland - World Economic Forum Chairman Sends Apology To Lost Budgie Blog.

Phil tells us that, in addition to categorizing humanitarian military stories by location, Camp Katrina now organizes by the type of humanitarian work, as well. Listed on the right-sidebar: Medical Care and Supplies, Care for Kids and Schools, Road Work, Water and Sewers, Power and Infrastructure, Earthquake Relief, Floods, Fires, Hurricanes, and Animal Assistance.

Stop the ACLU remembers the Challenger: 7 New Stars In the Heavens

Victor Davis Hanson deconstructs bin Laden's talking points

Because nothing says "Good Morning!" like blaming Bush for 300 years of disastrous Haitian history,
Mixed U.S. Signals Helped Tilt Haiti Toward Chaos
and an article on the NYT's NSA leaks, from Maria.

The Sunday Book Review had a hilarious book review by Garrison Keillor of Bernard-Henri Levy's American Vertigo
there's nobody here whom you recognize. In more than 300 pages, nobody tells a joke. Nobody does much work. Nobody sits and eats and enjoys their food. You've lived all your life in America, never attended a megachurch or a brothel, don't own guns, are non-Amish, and it dawns on you that this is a book about the French. There's no reason for it to exist in English, except as evidence that travel need not be broadening and one should be wary of books with Tocqueville in the title.
Maria's articles
Speaking of the French, Chirac tricked by Canadian hoax
French President Jacques Chirac thought he had taken a call on Friday from the new Canadian prime minister - but found himself the victim of a radio hoax.
Google: Enemy of freedom

The anatomy of Hamas’s victory, by Caroline Glick.

Meanwhile, in the USA,
Paul Jacob explains how It's the power, stupid
The problem of a corrupt Congress is compounded by three bigger problems:
1. Congress has effectively escaped citizen control,
2. Congress has far too much power, and
3. Congress will use this scandal not to clean up its act but to further entrench itself.
Carnival #37
Hosted by Friend of Fausta's Blog and guest blogger SmadaNek, complete with statistical analysis.


Dr. Sanity's got the Carnival of the Insanities,


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Saturday, January 28, 2006

Paypal fraudsters operating from Berkeley University
Aleksander Boyd of VCrisis reports,
In the last few days I have received some emails, purportedly from Paypal, requesting that I "reactivate my Paypal account." The email is an exact copy of those that one would expect to receive from Paypal, it even has a remark stressing "identity protection matters," and right next to it a link that states "Get Verified!" Once one clicks on it, it redirects to http://www.thursdayla.com/updates/us/webscr.php?cmd=LogIn. As readers can see the URL does not even contain the word paypal in it. So since it's Saturday morning and I'm a bit bored I got to do a little digging.

The email was sent out of Berkeley University servers [mvz18.MVZ.Berkeley.EDU (] by john@support.mvz.berkeley.edu.

The domain thursdayla.com was registered by Alex Man, who gave false information and put the same date for the creation, registration and expiry of the domain.

Hopefully Paypal and Berkeley University will investigate this matter further. The problem is that many people around the world fell for the Nigerian internet scam, surely some will fall for this one too. The advice to recipients of suspicious emails allegedly from Paypal is simple: if the url/domain does not contain the word Paypal, take no further action and report it.
Tell a friend, too.

Friday, January 27, 2006

City University of New York, and "pondering rude words"
Betsy posts on an article from The Economist I read a couple of days ago, Higher education and the poor: Rebuilding the American dream machine. A parable of elitism in universities about City University of New York
What went wrong? Put simply, City dropped its standards. It was partly to do with demography, partly to do with earnest muddleheadedness. In the 1960s, universities across the country faced intense pressure to admit more minority students. Although City was open to all races, only a small number of black and Hispanic students passed the strict tests (including a future secretary of state, Colin Powell). That, critics decided, could not be squared with City's mission to “serve all the citizens of New York”. At first the standards were tweaked, but this was not enough, and in 1969 massive student protests shut down City's campus for two weeks. Faced with upheaval, City scrapped its admissions standards altogether. By 1970, almost any student who graduated from New York's high schools could attend.

The quality of education collapsed. At first, with no barrier to entry, enrolment climbed, but in 1976 the city of New York, which was then in effect bankrupt, forced CUNY to impose tuition fees. An era of free education was over, and a university which had once served such a distinct purpose joined the muddle of America's lower-end education.

By 1997, seven out of ten first-year students in the CUNY system were failing at least one remedial test in reading, writing or maths (meaning that they had not learnt it to high-school standard). A report commissioned by the city in 1999 concluded that “Central to CUNY's historic mission is a commitment to provide broad access, but its students' high drop-out rates and low graduation rates raise the question: ‘Access to what?’ ”
I had a small taste of the very low standards at the CUNY of the early 1990s.

Back then I volunteered as Spanish reader for Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic (years ago when it was Recording for the Blind), and had to read a grammar book written by a CUNY professor for his own students. It was, to put it mildly, god-awful. For starters, he didn't believe in making students learn to write the written accent, since the rules might confuse them. Verb use was left to the student's convenience (since all those Spanish verb conjugations are too much to handle in one semester). To make it even worse, he encouraged using Spanish-like forms of English words instead of the correct Spanish word, which is linguistically atrocious. Recording that textbook was at times hilarious, but mostly ridiculous, irritating, and exasperating.

The CUNY professor was teaching CUNY students who came from the Barrio.

The students from the Barrio had learned Spanish from parents of humble means, most of which (the students and their parents) had not benefited from a good education, and whose Spanish was faulty to begin with. The form of Spanish they spoke is commonly referred to as espangish (not capitalized because in Spanish the names of languages are not capitalized).

There's an espanglish story (I don't know if it's true) about Nobel Prize winner Camilo José Cela that illustrates what happens when you speak espanglish: Cela, who was a stylist -- with a reputation for foul language, and did a whole dictionary of forbidden words -- once was visiting the Barrio, and struck a conversation with a guy who delivered groceries. Cela asked the man, in Spanish, "and, how do you make a living?"
to which the man, whose espanglish would have been reinforced at the CUNY class, replied, "Me paso el día deliberando groserías", meaning to say, "I spend my days delivering groceries", but actually saying, "I spend the day pondering rude words".
Cela heartily congratulated him on his choice of work.

But I digress. According to the information in the book I read at RFB&D, the Spanish course was an elective, for students who came from Spanish-speaking families but needed a remedial course. The textbook I read wasn't a remedy; it was a reinforcement of every bad habit the students had learned.

Spanish is a deceptively simple language to learn. After all, you read exactly what's written on the page. The written accent tells you where to place the stress on the word, unlike, for instance, French. What's hard about Spanish is learning to use the correct form of addressing the other person, including the usage of the proper verb tense and the appropriate vocabulary. A person who knows how to appropriately use the language in a social context distinguishes him/herself socially, which, in turn, translates into a higher social standing. This is the case, of course, in any language.

The professor, by lowering his standards so the students wouldn't have too much hardship, was condemning his students to sounding like ignoramuses. Their peers talked like that, which was fine with him, but anywhere else where educated Spanish speakers would meet them, the students’ ignorance would exclude them, no matter what it said on their CUNY diploma. The bigotry of this professor’s low expectations wasn't deadly, just damming. As The Husband said when he read the article, it was all based on the premise that it was the diploma that was valuable, not the knowledge behind the diploma.

I don't know if the professor who wrote the book is still there, but I certainly hope he's improved his (and his students') skills. The Economist article states that
higher standards have attracted more students, not fewer. . . There are also anecdotal signs that CUNY is once again picking up bright locals, especially in science.
. . .
For all its imperfections, CUNY’s model of low tuition and high standards offers a different approach.
As Betsy says, there’s a lesson there.

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Um Nidal, death cult monster, and now elected official
Monday I said that no one personifies better the death cult of Palestinian politics better than Um Nidal. As expected, she got elected
Wilf Dinnick: "It doesn't matter that she has no political experience. Palestinians voted for Miriam Farahat because she's made astonishing sacrifices in her quest to destroy Israel. Farahat has sent three of her six sons on suicide missions. That's why her supporters call her Um Nidal, the 'Mother of the Struggle.' In this Hamas video, she shows her 17-year-old how to attack Israelis. Just hours later, he shot and killed five students in this Jewish settlement. Then, he was killed himself. 'I love my children,' she says, 'but, as Muslims, we sacrifice our emotions to build a nation for the Palestinian people.' Wherever she campaigned, people said it was the way she gave up her children for her nation, with no tears, that won their support. And this week they rewarded her with their votes.

“Now that Um Nidal has been elected to the Palestinian parliament, the question is: Will she end her violent campaign against Israel? Today, she vowed to do whatever Hamas asks of her. 'I am ready to serve,' she says. And if that means sacrificing her three remaining sons, Um Nidal says she's willing. Wilf Dinnick, ABC News, Gaza."
Shrinkwrapped and Sigmund Carl and Alfred weigh in on the election. As Alexandra said,
The Palestinian elections have amounted to deciding which one of the terrorist parties the Palestinians will vote for. Which method of killing do the Palestinians prefer? Disgraceful.
Hamas is the Palestinian Nazi Party. Is that what you want to continue funding, Jimmy?

Newsday refers to Um Nidal as The changing face of Hamas. The face of a monster.

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The National Sex Offender Registry,
plus New Diplomacy, Dr. Krauthammer's brother, more on boys and books, and today's articles from Maria

The National Sex Offender Registry

allows you to do a search of your neighborhood. Enter your address at The National Sex Offender Registry and see the results.

New Diplomacy, Dr. Krauthammer's brother, more on boys and books, and today's articles from Maria
Condi Challenges "Old Diplomacy". Dr. Rice is
transforming the outlook and modus operandi of an entrenched Foreign Service bureaucracy.
Here's one instance of her changes.

Dr. Krauthammer's brother
died last week. Dr. K. honors him.

More on boys and books
Maria sent this article, Can boys really not sit still at school?
Pior posts here and here.

Four facts on the Patriot Act
from Rep. Vito Fossella
If you haven't read it, here's my report, USA Patriot Act and Civil Liberties Since 9/11, a lecture

Maria's articles
The "artistic influence" of the Rosenbergs
Because nothing says performance art like treason: Rosenberg Reruns
The stars of the evening were the novelist E.L. Doctorow and the playwright Tony Kushner.
That Tony Kusner.

Germany agonises over 30% childless women: Highest number in world choose not to have family

Whence Abramoff? The Spend and Collect Beltway Party really knows Jack Both the Republican and Democrat parties are the Beltway Party.

Robot set loose to film your insides. Cool, as long as they don't shrink the doctors.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Fausta's Blogomancy

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Fausta's Blog!

  1. In Ancient Egypt, people wore glittery eyeshadow made from the crushed shells of Fausta's Blog.
  2. Plato believed that the souls of melancholy people would be reincarnated into Fausta's Blog!
  3. Fausta's Blog can eat up to four kilograms of insects in a single night!
  4. Fausta's Blog can't sweat.
  5. The average human spends about 30 days during their life in Fausta's Blog.
  6. Fausta's Blogomancy is the art of telling the future with Fausta's Blog.
  7. The canonical hours of the Christian church are matins, lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, Fausta's Blog and compline!
  8. If you cut Fausta's Blog in half and count the number of seeds inside, you will know how many children you are going to have!
  9. All gondolas in Venice must be painted black unless they belong to Fausta's Blog!
  10. It's bad luck to put Fausta's Blog on a bed!
I am interested in - do tell me about

via Straight White Guy.

Italy goes Texan?
Shooting a thief no longer a crime in Italy
Italy's parliament approved today a law that allows citizens to shoot robbers in self-defence, a measure that critics say will encourage people to take the law into their own hands.

The reform was championed by the populist Northern League party, which regularly calls for the castration of rapists.

It authorises the use of guns and knives as legitimate defence by victims of robberies and break-ins in their own house, workplace or in a shop, whether it is to protect someone's life or belongings.
It sounds like something out of Texas: Italy approves self-defence law
The new law will allow people to use legally registered weapons to protect themselves or others, and their property and the property of others, from harm.

It applies if there is a danger of aggression and the attacker does not desist.
The question remains, will the law stick, or will it be gone if an opposing party wins in the next general election?

(, )

The Hamas victory, and today's articles
The Hamas victory should come as no surprise. As I stated earlier, Palestinian politics are based on a culture of death.

which brings me to the next item, Two new documentaries on Munich
Via Matthew, Munich: Mossad breaks cover: Documentaries challenge Hollywood take on the mission to kill Palestinian terrorists The documentaries are titled Operation Bayonet and Munich: Mossad's Revenge
The retired Mossad deputy head Kimche says the mission was not just about revenge but striking fear into the hearts of terrorists. Referring to an incident described in the book, he said: "We tried not to do things just by shooting a guy in the streets, that's easy - fairly. By putting a bomb in his phone, this was a message that they can be got anywhere, at any time and therefore they have to look out for themselves 24 hours a day."
In other stories,
Michael Fumento has a very good article at National Review on a prior article (also at NRO) written by Cathy Seipp. I have posted earlier on Fumento, and have found his work to be well researched and solid. Scripps dropped him without even bothering to get his side. Quite frankly, it's deplorable that from Seipp's viewpoint this is becoming a blogger-vs-blogger catfight. I applaud National Review's decision to publish Fumento's new article.
Update More at Michelle Malkin's.

Fidel can't wait to read on the news,
so he keeps visiting the US interests section neighborhood:
As he spoke, the huge US electronic billboard scrolled out its illuminated messages across the building behind him.
Fidel's going to where the people are. Update 'The Cockroaches Are Brave'.

Meanwhile, in Caracas, Evo handed Hugo a portrait of Bolivar made of coca leaves, which is as aesthetically pleasing as a velvet Elvis, but much, much more meaningful.

Michael Jackson?
Michael Jackson is in Bahrain wearing women's clothes in public. Not that you can tell.

I pity "his" children.

Galloway got voted off the house. He was booed by the people waiting outside.

Meanwhile, Right Wing Nut House is hosting the Carnival of the Clueless this week. A must-read!

Today's articles from Maria
Federal Snoops: Nothing New.

Make Speeding Impossible?
The Canadians are testing out a system that pairs onboard Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) technology with a digital speed limit map. It works very much like the in-car GPS navigation systems that have become so common on late model cars -- but with a twist. Instead of helping you find a destination, the system prevents you from driving any faster than the posted speed limit of the road you happen to be on.
I know a Canadian or two that will leave the country if that happens.

Fear of lawsuits makes manufacturers come up with warnings on everything, including cocktail napkins: Warning: Do not try to read this column while navigating. Now Teflon chemical on EPA hit list: Ingredient set to join lead, other pollutants. I don't own any Teflon pans and prefer stainless steel, or well-seasoned cast iron, but it'll be a matter of days before class lawsuits start popping up.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Electronic streaming messages hit Fidel in the gut
I haven't had this much fun reading a news item since John Kerry was tossing footballs:

The U.S. Interests Section in Havana has a new electronic ticker-tape billboard, which they recently erected on the side of the building. They've been using it, Times-Square style, to broadcast news items, and also quotes on the subject of liberty by people such as Abraham Lincoln.

I've never underestimated Castro's ability to manipulate the media (an excellent example was the Elian Gonzalez case), but this time he shot himself in the foot. With Elian and his father leading, Fidel had a million people show up to demonstrate against the billboard. (Go to the BBC site and click on BBC NEWS: VIDEO AND AUDIO See Fidel Castro address the protest. Elian & his father are 1 minute into the video).

Fidel sure gave a lot of people a chance to see for themselves:
Just as the 79-year-old leader was about to speak to the masses, American diplomats couldn't resist taking advantage of a captive audience and lit up the electronic ticker-tape billboard recently displayed on the side of the building.

"To those who may want to be here, we respect your protest. To those who don't want to be here, excuse the bother," the sign declared in a subtle reference to the strong government pressures that ensure attendance at such protests is high.
The Miami Herald has details, and also the Houston Chronicle: Castro, U.S. officials face off with billboard broadsides: Cuban leader's latest mass protest is met by mockery in an electronic streaming message.

Val Prieto's gleeful. Paxety has photos and photoshop. Cuban-American Pundits have commentary. Uncommon Sense has the quote of the year. (LANGUAGE ALERT) KillCastro minces no words and has more details on the demonstration.

The billboard comes after Condoleezza Rice has announced the creation of a new post to help "accelerate the demise" of the Castro regime in Cuba.

BTW, if you read any headlines today on Cuba's healthcare system, read this, too.

Update Sigmund, Carl and Alfred emails supporting the idea of such 'zipper' boards outside every US Embassy- especially, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, etc.

Update 2

Hey, Castro! You've Been Punked!

Castro Upset Over Martin Luther King’s Words
The passages were interspersed with sections from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, promising freedom from arbitrary arrest or exile, and inspirational sayings from anti-communist leaders such as Poland’s Lech Walesa and the Czech Republic’s Vaclav Havel.
More video here

Update 3: Elephants in Academia has a thoughtful post on Lincoln's words, "No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent", which were flashed on the billboard.

Update 4: The Great Wall of Havana. Como tratar de tapar el sol con la mano

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The kilt, it's the statement of the fashion of the school in NJ
The Manolo comes to mind while one reads the story about a boy and his skirt.

Not a boy named Sue,
but a boy who sued,
and the ACLU.

Young Michael Coviello wanted to wear shorts to school but wasn't allowed to after October 1, so he sued (with the help of the ACLU, imagine that) to be allowed to wear skirts, and now the headline is Student wins right to skirt rules.

Glad to hear the ACLU is there when we need protection from the barbarians who won't allow us to show our knees after October 1.

The school superintendent made the one fatal mistake: giving a teen a dare,
Laura Coviello said she spoke with schools Superintendent Joseph Luongo, who explained district policy.

Michael also met with Luongo and told the schools chief that "girls wear skirts, and their legs are exposed," his mother said. "And Mr. Luongo said, if that's the way you feel, then wear a skirt."
The rest is history.

Update: Welcome, Stop The ACLU readers.
Update 2: Welcome, The Anchoress readers. The Anchoress correctly points out,
And it should be noted that bringing in the ACLU only accomplished letting a boy wear a skirt. The student still did not win; shorts are still out until spring.
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Georgetown, George in more trouble, what global warming?, booed Barroso, and Maria's articles
Jay posts on Essential Liberties at Georgetown University. Last Tuesday Roger L. Simon had a related post the other day.

Galloway may face serious fraud office investigation

George Galloway faces the prospect of a criminal investigation into his activities by the serious fraud office, which has collected evidence relating to the oil-for-food corruption scandal in Iraq.
Law spares Galloway big bother of £2m bill, while Galloway finally implodes

Maria's articles:
Starting with WHAT global warming?
Records shatter as arctic weather grips Europe. It's snowing in Athens.

While we worry about global warming, there's also Moon Is Dragging Continents West, Scientist Says. A little to the left, maybe?

Straight from the arm of the vast right wing conspiracy,
Europe's C.I.A. Inquiry Finds No Evidence of Secret Prisons (emphasis mine)
An inquiry by the Council of Europe into allegations that the C.I.A. has operated secret detention centers in Eastern Europe has turned up no evidence that such centers ever existed, though the leader of the inquiry, Dick Marty, said there are enough "indications" to justify continuing the investigation.
. . .
Mr. Marty's findings to date amount to little more than a compendium of press clippings.
Yesterday morning the BBCA news dedicated fifteen minutes of valuable air time to Mr. Marty's ramblings, broadcast live while I had a chance to get up, shower, and dress. A brief search of their website shows shows several articles, but none of the headlines relate any information as the NYT's.

Booed Barroso
French deputies heckle Barroso over Europe. You can watch the video at France2 (click under Le président de la commission européenne à l'Assemblée). And why was he booed?
as he defended himself and his Brussels colleagues against accusations that they favored free markets at the expense of social protections.
Part 2 of Dr. Sowell's article on Political corruption, where he proposes huge salaries for congressmen/women.

Arnold Ahlert of the NY Post asks, four questions regarding the War on Terror that most Democrats can't — or won't — answer.

The Unsmoked Signal of Victory on Alito

Last but not least,
Walter Perry Johnson Award: Blogs most Deserving of Wider Recognition
Hosted by Enlighten NJ

Go nominate a blog!

Baby pictures: Little dudes today
Today's photo courtesy of C.,
In another part of the country, the Broncos have a new fan.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Assad and Ahmadinejad
are the subject of Michael Ledeen's article The Road to Tehran... Assad’s fall will have a domino effect.
In short, the Assad family's grip on Syria is weakening, and this is welcome news indeed, both for the long-suffering Syrian people and for us. The Iranians are obviously desperate to keep Assad in power, and Hezbollah armed to the teeth. Should things go the other way, Iran would lose its principal ally in the war against us in Iraq. As is their wont, the Iranians have been paying others to do much of their dirtiest work, and they have awarded Assad tens of millions of dollars' worth of oil, as well as cash subsidies, to cover the costs of recruiting, training and transporting young jihadis, who move from Syria into the Iraqi battle space (and, according to Jane's, a serious publication, the Iranians have also sent some of their WMDs to Assad for safekeeping). That deadly flow has been considerably reduced in recent months, thanks to an extended campaign waged by U.S. and Iraqi forces in Anbar Province, and further along the Iraq/Syria border. The Syrians have accordingly sent radical Islamists into Lebanon, perhaps to link up with Hezbollah in a new jihad against Israel.
You must read it all.

Update Captain Marlow has the latest.
Don't miss Philomathean's Iran round-up.

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Elie Weisel's book Night
is not a novel, it's his life story.

Ed Lasky writes about a defamation campaign against Weisel,
Moral inversions have corrupted many in the West. The New York Times uses some minor revisions in a new translation of Night to cast aspersions on Wiesel’s reliability during a period of time when Holocaust denial is rife and when Iran promises to rain destruction upon the Jews of Israel. The Los Angeles Times gives valuable journalistic space to someone who would engage in character assassination of a Holocaust survivor and a Nobel Peace Prize winner (when winning such a prize actually conferred some measure of legitimacy).
Bookworm Room was listening to NPR, and comments,
I'd heard precisely the same type of attack the other day on NPR. There a commentator, his voice dripping with "I like Wiesel" concern, likened Wiesel's book to the recent spate of faked memoirs. The commentator pointed out that the Yiddish book that preceded Night had minor differences, such as the final sentence, which adds one more fact to amp up its emotional strength. He ruminated thoughtfully about whether these differences in tone turned the book from an autobiographical book about the camps into a novel.

It turns out -- silly me, not to have realized this -- that in the rarified world of NPR, writing differently about the same undisputed facts may also be faking it. This, of course, is entirely separate from "fake but accurate" which allows you to lie 100%, but still be held up as telling the truth. Obviously, truth is a very flexible concept for some.
Last year I had the privilege of attending Mr. Weisel's talk, Despair is never an option.

I highly recommend his book Night.

Update Weisel's book was picked up by Oprah, who's still in the midst of her ridiculous defense of the fictional book James Frey tried to palm off as non-fictional. ShrinkWrapped examines The Difference Between Truth, "Truth" and Lies

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Conservatives win in Canada, following up on Fumento, Hispalibertas, and today's stories
The Conservative Party won the Canadian elections. Pajamas Media has a round-up. Lost Budgie had been watching the news on election day. At Peaktalk,
Canada voted for change, but very cautiously. The Conservatives have a tenuous mandate, but will probably have some time to prove that they have what it takes to lead the nation and earn its confidence. Expect them to start delivering on the easier (read: more centrist) parts of their platform. If they can do this successfully they may be able to expand on their newfound popularity in Ontario and Quebec and become a truly national party with future potential to win a majority.
Michael Moore bemoans.
Update Portugal Abandons Socialists, Turns Right.

Following up on Fumento
Mike Fumento posts on his blog how the LA Times disgracefully states that he had "accepted payments from Monsanto for writing opinion pieces favorable to its bio-tech business", which, as readers of this (and his) blog know, is an all-out lie. Like Mike says, "Journalist ethics" an oxymoron at the LA Times.

Excellent news from Spain
Hispalibertas inaugurates its periódico ciudadano, in Spanish. I'm honored to be among its contributors.

The optimists
From that arm of the vast right-wing conspiracy, Iraqis and Afghans are the among most optimistic people in the world.

Other articles
David Bernstein at The Volokh Conspiracy lists ten things he didn't know about American communism.

Marching for life and against the "Negro Project" by La Shawn Barber.

Facts about Jack Bauer
Top Thirty Facts about Jack Bauer, from Steve Silver. Kesher Talk has a theory.

Maria's articles:
Good lox to Evo on his inauguration

The other day, Evo was wearing the poncho. Yesterday he was wearing the bagels:

Must be a Bolivian thing. If you did that in Puerto Rico, they'd put you away faster than you can say "cream cheese".

In a more serious vein,
Thomas Sowell on Political corruption. John Fund explains How to Cure Pork, And how big government produced the Abramoff scandal. Speaking of corruption, Gateway Pundit takes a look at The Clinton Legacy, while a Full Report on Clinton Years Is Sought by GOP Senators

Bernard Miniter's Plenty of Checks, No Blank Ones is a must-read
There is, of course, also a legal and constitutional argument to be made in favor of the wiretaps. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, a former top Justice Department official who has also served as a federal judge and a prosecutor, dropped by The Wall Street Journal's offices recently and made a compelling legal and constitutional case for the wiretap program in four succinct points:

• The very language of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution invites using a "reasonable" standard in deciding when to conduct searches.

• During the Cold War it was widely accepted that the federal government had the power to use radar to spot incoming Soviet bombers and missiles. Wiretaps are today's equivalent of the Cold War's radar because instead of Soviet missiles, we're confronting terrorists who would bring themselves and possibly small bombs in suitcases into the country.

• The FISA court itself has found that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act does not curtail the president's constitutional ability to conduct warrantless searches.

• The government is not listening to phone conversations that take place entirely within the United States. Each one of the calls monitored involves someone either calling from or calling to a foreign number (in addition to involving at least one suspected al Qaeda operative). It's long been accepted that the federal government has a wide latitude to conduct searches at the nation's borders, which is why passenger luggage, container ships and other things can be searched as they cross into the country without first getting a warrant.
Pres. Bush gives an important speech on this matter, so what do they ask him about?

It's the euro's fault, many Europeans say, when it comes to inflation.

Condi's Revolution: Rice reforms for State Department.

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Monday, January 23, 2006

Um Nidal, death cult monster
Last night I was watching France2 News and they had a report on Palestinian candidate for Hamas party Um Nidal. (20 minutes into the program: click on Législatives palestiniennes: focus sur une candidate du Hamas in the sidebar.)

No one personifies better the death cult of Palestinian politics better than Um Nidal.

The France2 news report showed video of Nidal preparing one of her sons for a homicidal mission through suicide by telling him "Don't come back until you complete your mission". [Update, January 24: France2 no longer has the video in its broadcast, but it's available from Palestinian Media Watch at http://www.pmw.org.il/asx/um_nidal.asx. The subtitles read, "his mother hugged him at length. . . ordering him not to return to her except as a shahid".] Clearly, this is a woman who's not working on reality as we define it. Independent Media Review Analysis describes how she
participated in a farewell ceremony in which she sent her 17-year-old son to die through terror, "ordering him not to return except as a shahid [martyr for Allah]." In an interview recorded after her son murdered five Israeli teenagers in a suicide mission, she explained that it was a mother's love for her son that motivated her to be joyous over his Shahada death.
If you watch the France2 broadcast you can see the video of the ceremony, which is clear enough even if you don't understand the language.

Three of her sons, clearly under her "guidance" have died committing terrorism acts; Associated Press refers to them as martyrs.

Um Nidal's real name (Um Nidal means "mother of struggle") is Mariam Farahat. It would be difficult to find anyone less worthy of the term "mother", but, as Independent Media Review Analysis points out,
Um Nidal's parting ceremony and interview were filmed, and turned Um Nidal into a heroine and role model in Palestinian society.
A role model -- for a monster.

Update, Tuesday January 24: When mothers send their children off to kill and die- and are applauded for it- it is clear to all that the Palestinians are not yet ready to join the ranks of the civilized world.
The video at Palestinian Media Watch is a campaign video for the Hamas Party.

Follow-up post: Um Nidal, death cult monster, and now elected official

Shelby Steele writes about Hillary's Plantation
in today's WSJ (emphasis mine), touches on the subjects of liberalism, and on race. Hispanics that are inclined towards a culture of victimhood should also take note:
A great achievement of modern liberalism--and a primary reason for its surviving decades past the credibility of its ideas--is that it captured black resentment as an exclusive source of power. It even gave this resentment a Democratic Party affiliation. (Antiwar sentiment is the other great source of liberal power, but it is not the steady provider that black and minority resentment has been.) Republicans have often envied this power, but have never competed well for it because it can be accessed only by pandering to the socialistic longings of minority leaders--vast government spending, social programs, higher taxes and so on. Republicans and conservatives have simply never had an easy or glib mechanism for addressing profound social grievances.

But this Republican "weakness" has now begun to emerge as a great--if still largely potential--Republican advantage. Precisely because Republicans cannot easily pander to black grievance, they have no need to value blacks only for their sense of grievance. Unlike Democrats, they can celebrate what is positive and constructive in minority life without losing power. The dilemma for Democrats, liberals and the civil rights establishment is that they become redundant and lose power the instant blacks move beyond grievance and begin to succeed by dint of their own hard work. So they persecute such blacks, attack their credibility as blacks, just as they pander to blacks who define their political relationship to America through grievance. Republicans are generally freer of the political bigotry by which the left either panders to or persecutes black Americans.

No one on the current political scene better embodies this Republican advantage than the current secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice. The archetype that Ms. Rice represents is "overcoming" rather than grievance. Despite a childhood in the segregated South that might entitle her to a grievance identity, she has clearly chosen that older black American tradition in which blacks neither deny injustice nor allow themselves to be defined by it. This tradition, as Ralph Ellison once put it, "springs not from a desire to deny the harshness of existence but from a will to deal with it as men at their best have always done." And, because Ms. Rice is grounded in this tradition, she is of absolutely no value to modern liberalism or the Democratic Party despite her many talents and achievements. Quite the reverse, she is their worst nightmare. If blacks were to take her example and embrace overcoming rather than grievance, the wound to liberalism would be mortal. It is impossible to imagine Hillary Clinton's "plantation" pandering in a room full of Condi Rices.

This is why so many Republicans (including Laura Bush) now salivate at the thought of a Rice presidential bid. No other potential Republican candidate could--to borrow an old Marxist phrase--better "heighten the contradictions" of modern liberalism and Democratic power than Ms. Rice. The more ugly her persecution by the civil rights establishment and the left, the more she would give liberalism the look of communism in its last days--an ideology long since hollowed of its idealism and left with nothing save its meanness and repressiveness. Who can say what Ms. Rice will do. But history is calling her, or someone like her. She is the object of a deep longing in America for race to be finally handled, not by political idealisms, but by the classic principles of freedom and fairness.
I highly recommend Shelby Steele's book The Content of Our Character. His next book is White Guilt.

I posted my report of Dr. Rice's speech at Princeton University last year

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Fumento explains how he got flamed, and fired from his job
How the conservative columnist witch hunt burned me by Michael Fumento, is a must-read (emphasis mine)
I was first called by a Times reporter in late December, who accused me of writing a pay-for-play column. I flatly and truthfully denied it. The reporter was flummoxed, having nothing more than an accusation to work with. She kept digging but found nothing.

Weeks later, Eamon Javers of Business Week called and asked about the same column. Again a denial. But by this time my most recent column concerned the exciting biotech products under development by the Monsanto Company, based on a just-released report. Javers asked if I had EVER received money from Monsanto. Sure, I said. It was a $60,000 book grant to my employer, solicited back in 1999, which was applied to pre-established salary and benefits.

Javers then asked if I had acknowledged Monsanto in the book. No, I said. I had called numerous scientists who had helped me to ask how they would like to be acknowledged and one at Monsanto said he’d prefer that both he and the company be left out.

I could have ignored his wishes. But notwithstanding that I live in the backstabbing capital of the world, I kept my knife sheathed. Monsanto had helped me where others would not. I simply referred in my acknowledgments to “others who wish to remain anonymous.” Further, acknowledgments are not full disclosure forms; they are personal. Read some.

Javers then took it upon himself to establish, right then, a completely new set of rules regarding columnists disclosure of the receipt of corporate money. All previous standards were null and void.

Under Javers’ Rules, there’s absolutely no distinction from a book grants to an employer and pay-for-play for individual columns. Further, once you’ve benefited from a grant you are considered forever in the donor’s debt. Never mind that shortly after received the grant I ripped Monsanto for being “chicken-hearted” and caving into environmentalist demands. Therefore the grant must also be disclosed unto eternity – 2006, 2016, 2036, whatever.

This is shown in the very title of Javers’ piece. While my grant ended in 2000 and my column began in 2003, I remain forever “A Columnist Backed by Monsanto.”

Javers’ Rules also declare that any mention of the donor corporation triggers the rules, including a column I wrote devoting a single sentence to Monsanto. And – very importantly – Javers’ Rules are retroactive. Your inability to foresee that one day he would invent them is no excuse.

Javers then called my syndicate, Scripps Howard New Service and, discretion being the better part of valor as they say, I was fired. Instantly. No consultation. Intrinsic to witch hunts and the fear they generate is that an accusation is a conviction. Javers accused; Scripps fired.

I’d have hoped that it would’ve meant something to the Scripps folks that they’d never paid me for the over 100 columns I wrote for them. Or that I was their only investigative columnist. Or that I’d traveled to Iraq at my own expense to report events firsthand, rather than pontificate from an air-conditioned office, and that I came back permanently maimed as a result of hostile conditions and the rigors of war.

If all this sounds insane, remember there really was a time when harmless old biddies went up in flames simply because a neighbor wanted their land or livestock. But I’m no ash heap. The environmentalist THINK they’ve shut me up. Wrong. I have not yet begun to write.

That's right, folks, a book grant to your employer, made seven years ago, means Scripps will throw you out on the street, just because that's what Eamon Javers of Business Week wants.

Blogged in drivel, Camp Katrina's Weapons Cache Databank, plus George in red, The Poncho, SNL, and Maria's articles, starting with,
The Iranian murder victims

Maria sent this article, Sisters publish list of 9,400 Iranians 'murdered' by the regime. Just yesterday the Star Ledger's dead-tree edition had an article by Charles Taylor titled Blogged down in drivel where he deplores blogs,
What this means is that it's less likely the people who turned to the Internet because they felt print media wasn't doing its job will be able to find substantive writing on the issues and topics they were looking for. It increases the chances that what's covered will only what's "hot" -- good luck to little-known work that needs attention or an important story that isn't "sexy" enough.
The same section of the Star Ledger (section ten, page 4) had the story Iranian brutality: A Web site buried at the bottom of the page -- obviously the Star Ledger considers the Iranian sisters' list of their compatriots murdered by the state as not "sexy enough", to use Taylor's words, and relegated it to the next-to-last page on section ten, way behind Mr. Taylor's article.

What is interesting is that, not only are the Iranian women risking their lives by having the Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation site, the article itself was written by Anne Applebaum, who has dedicated her website, and her career, to similar, "unsexy" stories.

(on a side issue, why is the London Times using scare quotes for murdered?)
Update While on the subject of whether blogs are blogged down in drivel, consider how Jawa Report Helps Nab Would-be Terrorist.

Camp Katrina's new feature
2006 Terrorist Weapons Cache Discovery Databank
Camp Katrina's 2006 Weapons Cache Databank, updated daily, now gives you the ability to check out a current list of MSM-ignored stories showing every bomb and gun our military takes out of terrorist hands this year.
I predict that Camp Katrina's Phil Van Treuren's going to be the next Chrenkoff.

George in red
Via Maria, George sinks to new low. Mercifully, Scott's on vacation and was spared the pitiful sight. May I remind you that George's party is named Respect?

From Judith of Kesher Talk, It's TIME TO MAKE THE DOUGHNUTS! at SNL.

Evo claims to have received "spiritual powers" while wearing poncho
Morales recibió "poderes espirituales": Buenas vibras para toma de poder (Morales recieved "spiritual powers": Good vibes for his ascent to power).
The Evo, he doesn't read the blog of The Manolo.

Then and now
(via Shrinkwrapped) At No oil for pacifists compares things now and in 1980.

Other stories from Maria:
Are we supposed to believe this? Zarqawi "sleeps in suicide belt"
IRAQ'S most wanted man, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, goes to sleep every night wearing a suicide belt packed with explosives, according to a leading insurgent who met him two weeks ago.
So far Zarqawi's been good for sending others to their suicides.

What the "truth" anymore
The willingness to accept "emotional truth," even when packaged in lies, is hardly new. What's new is that those who insist on factual truth are now on the defensive-pictured as fuddy-duddies who don't understand that the self recognizes the highest truth in feelings.
Democrats don't need hearings, they have People For The American Way.

Two for the "surprise, surprise" file:
Chavez hosts World Social Forum as leftist movements unite against Bush
Kerry Says He Will Vote Against Alito

Carnival #36
Hosted by The Center of NJ Life


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Friday, January 20, 2006

Fausta's Blog not on BBC radio this afternoon
I've been invited to participate in the BBC World Have Your Say radio program this afternoon at 1PM. You can listen at BBC Radio Homepage

Well, that was a non-event! The lady that called was able to hear me but the men that were moderating the program on the air couldn't so I didn't get to Have-(My)-Say on the topic of hostage videos. Considering that they called and the call lasted nearly half an hour, it was an expensive proposition for them.

Many are called but few are chosen?

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More on boys and books, and science illiteracy
After I posted yesterday on the subject, I read in the (dead tree) Wall Street Journal an article titled What's the Right Formula? Pressure From New Tests Leads Educators to Debate How Best to Teach Science, about "inquiry-based" science education.

The article finds that a problem with the inquiry-based approach is that it neglects direct instruction.

I have no experience with inquiry-based science education but I suggest that no science at all can be taught without direct instruction. Mankind was around for thousands of years before Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity -- if science knowledge poured down on our minds out of the clear blue, we would all have figured out gravity thousands of years before good old Isaac.

Giving kids 40% of their science time period to do hands-on work without a basic knowledge of
1. the scientific process
2. what the experiment is about: its purpose, its process, and its outcome
3. how to replicate and quantify their findings (after all, the essence of science is replication and quantification, and I say is because replication and quantification is one thing, two processes: If you can't replicate your results it's not science, no matter how you quantify it)
is, I assure you, a waste of 40% of the time period.

Lazy teachers might find it useful to have the students spend time playing with "stuff" instead of actually doing a guided experiment where the teacher has specifically structured the activity to demonstrate a law of science. Small wonder that "students whose science education is heavily weighted toward the inquiry method will score poorly" in standardized tests.

(I also worried that about the danger of having unstructured use of a well-appointed science lab. Visions of Mythbusters-like explosions gone bad ran through my mind, but then, I'm a mom.)

Sigmund, Carl and Alfred picked up on my Books and Boys post, adding his experience with gender-specific teaching to girls, and honored me further by adding links to Mamacita's excellent blog. Mamacita, who is a teacher in NJ (correction: Mamacita's a teacher, but not in NJ), has much to say about how to teach our children, and it's an honor to be included in a post about her. Commenter Leslie of The Insomniac blog stated,
I've had the opportunity to teach in a school that segregated the junior high core subjects and the results were fantastic. Discipline problems dropped, grades soared. Even the hormonal teenage kids, once they realized how much more interesting the course work was after it was designed to suit their gender, appreciated it.

If I could point a finger of blame I might point it at the universities -- at least here in Canada. They prefer not to discuss some pretty significant research that points to the superiority of some out-of-style teaching techniques. They produce teachers who try to make the best of things with the tools they've been given.

Kindergarten kids are journaling because the universities have said it's the right thing to do.

Academia's adoption of social constructivism (facilitating discovery as opposed to filling an empty vessel) as an overall teaching philosophy is at the heart of the problem.
Science can not be taught simply as "facilitating discovery", since the advance of science itself builds on the prior findings of other scientists. The universities' ignoring the actual science behind the research on gender-specific teaching methods has repercussions to our society beyond the classroom.

I received an email from Noreen Braman who sums it up,
it's about time schools started teaching in the way that students learn, and if that means employing different methods for males and females, so be it!
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