The Lugar Report Carnival of Latin America and the Caribbean
Welcome to the Carnival of Latin America and the Caribbean. If you would like your link included in next Monday's Carnival, please email me, faustaw2 "at" gmail "dot" com.
Two big stories last week:
Allen Stanford, resident of St. Croix and holder of dual US-Antigua citizenship, managed to bilk thousands of investors across Latin America, and went missing for a few days. He eventually was located in Virginia. I did a background post for Real Clear World and will continue to follow the story in months to come.
The second big story is the (pdf file) "CHANGING CUBA POLICY -- IN THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL INTEREST" report by the committee headed by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Richard Lugar (Rep. - Indiana). The report - as the title says - recommends a change in US foreign policy with Cuba. Don't miss today's podcast on the Lugar report.
Reality intrudes on drug war
Is Obama Planning a North American Common Market?
The restless Caribbean: Unhappy islanders
Troubles strike far-flung satellites of France and Britain
$8bn 'missing' from Allen Stanford's offshore bank
Por qué tenemos el futuro hipotecado?
Argentine farmers start protest
Bolivia pays a high price for nationalization
Gobierno nacionalizará tres empresas eléctricas
Lime Slime's Brazil: Skinheads and Celsos
Carnival queen sambas with Obama's face on thigh
Fidel, Raúl at odds, Chilean editor says
Bachelet vexed by Fidel's article
Chile's economy: Stimulating
Cashing in the fruits of rigour
Colombia's Uribe Seeks Brazilian Oil, Milk, Beef Investments. Colombia Seems a Better Client than Ecuador, Venezuela or Bolivia for These Sectors
Hugo Chavez seguirá protegiendo a las FARC
Colombia police in wiretap probe
Colombia's secret police is under investigation over claims rogue agents may have intercepted phone calls and passed on information to criminals.
Lugar, GOP Senate Report Urge Fresh Look at Relations With Cuba
PDF file Changing Cuba Policy – in the United States National Interest. Staff trip report to the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate
Still waiting
José Manuel de la Rosa Pérez, Cuban Political Prisoner of the Week, 2/22/08
Ecuador says expelled diplomat was 'CIA chief'
Hedge Funds for the Few & Socialism-Communism- Labor Union Populism for the Many
Ecuador Police Raid Stanford Office
El Salvador and the Chávez Model
With the presidential election approaching, chavismo weighs heavily on voters' minds.
Race, class fuel social conflict on French Caribbean islands
Economic Riots In Guadalupe Turn Racial
Presidente de Guatemala conoce proyectos con Chavez y aumenta nexos con Cuba
Hallan avioneta venezolana abandonada en Honduras Authorities found Venezuelan airplane abandoned in Honduras. The plane was believed to have carried nearly a ton of cocaine.
Earth to President Obama: Our neighbor Mexico is in dire straits
Bret Baier Reports on Problems with Mexico, Drug Cartels, and Kidnappings (VIDEO)
Must-read report on the Mexican drug wars at the Wall Street Journal: The Perilous State of Mexico
With drug-fueled violence and corruption escalating sharply, many fear drug cartels have grown too powerful for Mexico to control. Why things are getting worse, and what it means for the United States.
The New York Times and Terror Tourism
Mexico's ceramics industry: A clean plate
A battle for lead-free pottery
Political tension in Nicaragua: The new Somoza
Daniel Ortega’s slide to autocracy
Chavez holds Venezuela
RV Caravan From Texas To Panama
In Bronx, Little Houses That Evoke Puerto Rico
Abrogation of the soul
Chavez on despots' term-cutting edge
The consequences of the 2009 vote
Some parting shots on Chavez, Venezuela and Stanford
Antisemitism in Venezuela: troubling findings
Is a Venezuelan diplomat promoting antisemitism?
Venezuela: Expectations & Challenges 2009 - The Opposition's Perspective . Part 1 here, continues at YouTube
Che's image and its perception
EDITORIAL: Illegal-alien outrage
audio feature: How migrant workers from El Salvador risk their lives to get to the US
Vacation Rental Homes in Costa Rica
Special thanks to Ada, the Baron, Eneas, Larwyn and Maggie
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Labels: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, FARC, Guatemala, Honduras, Hugo Chavez, Latin America, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela.
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