Fausta's blog

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Late afternoon roundup, and a book

The roundup
It's been a busy Monday here at casa de Fausta but I came across some really interesting stuff while waiting for dinner to cook:

Friend I Haven't Met Yet (FIHMY) Arthur Chrenkoff has an excellent article Good News From Iraq? More than in the Past

Barak Obama wants to issue drivers' licenses to illegal aliens

At Cafe Hayek, I Worry Much Less About the Reality than About the Reactions and I agree with Brian Wesbury when he says that the economy is fine.

The Anchoress, also a FIHMY, has another lovely post on beautiful music.

And last but not least, Dreams Into Lightning has an excellent roundup, "The thugs in Tehran stay busy, Palestinian officials like to create a little atmosphere, and more." Go read it.

The book:
I was on my way home yesterday afternoon when I saw this in a bookshop window:

I love bassets, and had to take a look.

Well, it's the old Strunk and White, only this time it's been improved with witty illustrations by Maira Kalman. The full color pictures highight the text at the same time that they add humor and sometimes insightful nuances to the rules.

I bought it, recommended it to two other FIHMY, and sent one for a birthday gift.

Yes, buy it for the pictures!


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At 12:27 PM, Blogger Jeremayakovka said...

I met Kalman last fall. Less to my liking than I would have wanted. Her New Yorker cover indicating all of NYC's neighborhoods as one or another "-stan" will come back to haunt us.


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