UNScam today
Friends of Saddam's Oil for Food Lives.
Alhamedi's blg
The Religious Policeman is observing.
Faustam fortuna adiuvat
The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.
UNScam today
I am affronted
I will not bother to fisk the piece. The illogicality of it is so glaring, its vile intent so obvious, that a line by line response would merely insult the intelligence of this blog's readership. Suffice to say that a man gave up the promise of a fat paycheck and the comforts of a loving family to go and join the army, knowing that in so doing he might be called upon to fight in situations those moral perfectionists in our academic world would find abhorrent.
. . . This sorry excuse for a human being has not just traduced the memory of a very brave and good man; she (sic) has done so against all those who believed they were fighting to defend the freedoms we enjoy.
Property rights: Highlands version
And if the state wants to preserve water, Gagne notes, it's not development in the Highlands that should be curtailed. It's development in the lowlands. The typical Highlands homeowner uses a septic system that returns about 80 percent of the water to the aquifer. But 100 percent of the water used in the cities is pumped out to the ocean and lost forever.
An excellent point. If we're truly concerned with "the water supply for more than half the state's population," we should stop pumping it out of the Highlands in the first place. Let's halt growth in all of those lowlands areas. That would make more sense than stopping growth in the Highlands, at least from a water conservation standpoint.
But let's not pretend that water is the real issue here. The real issue is that the state wants to turn the Highlands into a park. But state officials don't want to pay for the parkland. It's nice to think that you can legitimately acquire some of the most beautiful property on the Eastern Seaboard for a mere $2,069 an acre. But if you believe that, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I can let you have real cheap.
UNScam today
Sarkozy goes to it
Headline: School Budget of $62.3 Million Passes Amid Low Voter Turnout at Area Polls
El demócrata liberal y el conservador republicano
Los republicanos, en cambio, favorecen el concepto de trabajar duro, estudiar y sacrificarse por muchos años para llegar a tener éxito en la vida y poder ofrecerle todo lo necesario a la familia. Esta independencia y afán de superación personal crea hombres libres, sin el derrotismo de aquéllos que piensan que nada pueden hacer sin la ayuda del gobierno, idea instilada por esos mismos liberales que enmascaran así su racismo contra los hispanos, las mujeres y otras minorías. Este es uno de los motivos por el cual esos demócratas han logrado por mucho tiempo controlar el voto latino y negro.
Es importante que todos los que tenemos fe en este país, aunque no seamos religiosos, nos preparemos para defender estos sagrados principios que heredamos de los padres fundadores y que ahora corren un serio peligro
Great reading, this morning
Godot's library opened, but not his parking-building-built-on-the-stream
Never forget
Simply Sleep
If April showers bring May flowers . . .
Happiness makes a heart beat longer
Why do they hate us?
But it could be that whatever causes they support or ideologies they subscribe to, the one thing that the killers have in common is a feeling of immense superiority. It could be that they want to exterminate us because they regard us as spiritually deformed and unfit to live, at least in their world. After all, it is hard to pull up to a curb, look a group of people in the eye and know that in a few seconds you will shred them to pieces unless you regard other people's deaths as trivialities.
If today's suicide bombers are victims of oppression, then the solution is to lessen our dominance, and so assuage their resentments. But if they are vicious people driven by an insatiable urge to dominate, then our only option is to fight them to the death.
Shame on the press for not checking their sources
Tear-down crocodile tears
On Tuesday, the committee began its review for the township by flagging several neighborhoods for planning staff to take a closer look at, including Littlebrook Road, Southern Way, Cedar Lane and the area around Lake Carnegie, which committee member Wanda Gunning called "prime tear-down territory."
. . . "Once one of those houses has taken that leap it starts the trend," Ms. Moore noted. "Once it gets rolling, every little house near a big house is at risk."
[The Principality's] Planning Director Lee Solow observed that a big, million-dollar house is not necessarily a negative for the township, which he said can benefit from the property-tax revenues.
Member Philip Feig said stricter zoning shouldn't undermine homeowners' rights to profit from their property holdings if they wish.
Member William Enslin asked, "Do people have unlimited rights to build a house totally out of proportion to the rest of the neighborhood?" Mr. Enslin said community diversity must be safeguarded with moderately priced housing.
Member Victoria Bergman said affordability can be attained through housing density, but Planning Board Attorney Allen Porter said density alone will not do it.
"The control on what they can sell for is what they can sell for," Mr. Porter said. "In [The Principality], you're up against the market."
Relativism's empty premise
if what relativists claim holds for all beliefs, then it holds for relativism as well. It, too, is a cultural artifact and it does not conform to objective facts. Relativism, then, tells us nothing about the truth; it tells us merely what relativists have been culturally conditioned to believe about the truth. People who believe that relativism is false because some beliefs do conform to objective facts are also culturally conditioned. In that case, however, there is no more reason to be a relativist than to be an anti-relativist, since neither is a matter of reason at all. Both depend on the cultural conditioning to which people have been subject. It would, then, be just as wrong for relativists to try to impose their views on defenders of "Western civ," the canon, the classics, the objectivity of science, and the authority of teachers over students as relativists say it is wrong for anti-relativists to impose their views. If relativists attempt to defend their position by claiming that it is not culturally conditioned but actually true, then they cannot consistently maintain their central claim that the truth does not exist. It must exist if they have found it.
Don Quijote's 4th
UNScam today
UNScam links update:
These are devastating criticisms of a body already held in low esteem by Iraqis. Yet the occupying powers have agreed that the UN should appoint the members of a transitional government that will succeed the American-nominated Iraqi Governing Council after the transfer of executive power on June 30. The world body is being given a leading role in Iraq just as the scandal over its administration of the oil-for-food programme is gathering momentum. In the run-up to June 30, five separate investigations will look into claims that 270 individuals, companies and institutions were bribed by Saddam. Two have been mounted by the American House of Representatives and one by the Senate. In addition, the Iraqi Governing Council has commissioned a report from the auditors KPMG, and Mr Annan has asked Paul Volcker, former chairman of the US Federal Reserve, to head a UN inquiry.
There are enough problems attendant on the birth of democracy in Iraq without burdening the country with an organisation that proved so inadequate in confronting the previous dictatorship, whether over oil for food or defiance of Security Council resolutions. George W Bush and Tony Blair may welcome shedding the odious status of occupiers. But they should be under no illusions that the UN will prove an adequate substitute. Given its record in the Balkans and the Middle East, their continuing faith in that body as providing a unique cloak of legitimacy is astonishing.
Why I blog
The most dangerous thing about the Internet from the point of view of those who would create a totalitarian or theocratic state is that it allows people to see others as men -- who may disagree, or who on reflection decide to fight -- but men nonetheless. The average person is never wholly unaware, as some academics are, of the humanity of other people. Nor is the average person wholly indifferent to concrete evil and imminent danger. Both are real and ancient things, ignored by those who live in a bubble of artificial laughter and contrived wit, but alive to those who meet them in the everyday. The Los Angeles Times article on Marine Corps snipers drives home how these marksmen, who live closer to the enemy than the ethereal postmodernist beings who jeer them, can never seek solace in abstractions. They must glimpse the faces of those they are about to shoot, the horror and necessity of the act combining in the single pull of the trigger, doomed to live in a world of specifics: fighting identifiable evils and performing individual acts of kindness. In this strange universe an Italian rips off a hood and with a final shout proclaims himself undefeated. Todd Beamer crashes an aircraft that others might live. Chief Wiggles raises money for children whose names he knows. And somewhere in a Riyadh a Saudi makes excuses to his mother.
Only the Grand Inquisitors stand apart, disdainful alike of both kindness and human weakness, full of schemes and plots. And of their false truces and cunning offers we should have no part except to answer it with silence (as in Dostoeveky's parable) and to go get a beer
Waiting for Godot's Library
The $13.7 million garage and $18 million library were originally scheduled for completion last December
UNScam update
You would think that Earth Day, which is celebrated each April 22, would qualify as the most benign of annual rites. Who could possibly object to people pitching in to clean up school grounds, parks, and other nature areas in their communities?
Well, FrontPageMag.com begs to differ, noting that each year schoolchildren everywhere are duped into being made part of a Marxist plot. It turns out that April 22 is Lenin's birthday. "The sad fact is", its columnist writes,that by participating in forced labor, "our children in public schools and colleges probably are directed to celebrate Lenin's birthday and his values, whether they know it or not".
Claudia Rosett on UNSCAM
In brief (hang on for the ride): One link ran from a U.N.-approved buyer of Saddam's oil, Galp International Trading Corp., involved near the very start of the program, to a shell company called ASAT Trust in Liechtenstein, linked to a bank in the Bahamas, Bank Al Taqwa. Both ASAT Trust and Bank Al Taqwa were designated on the U.N.'s own terror-watch list, shortly after 9/11, as entities "belonging to or affiliated with Al Qaeda." This Liechtenstein trust and Bahamian bank were linked to two closely connected terrorist financiers, Youssef Nada and Idris Ahmed Nasreddin — both of whom were described in 2002 by Treasury as "part of an extensive financial network providing support to Al Qaeda and other terrorist related organizations," and both of whom appear on the U.N.'s list of individuals belonging to or affiliated with al Qaeda.
The other tie between Oil-for-Food and al Qaeda, noted by Perelman, ran through another of Saddam's handpicked, Oil-for-Food oil buyers, Swiss-based Delta Services — which bought oil from Saddam in 2000 and 2001, at the height of Saddam's scam for grafting money out of Oil-for-Food by way of under-priced oil contracts. Now shut down, Delta Services was a subsidiary of a Saudi Arabian firm, Delta Oil, which had close ties to the Taliban during Osama bin Laden's heyday in Afghanistan in the late 1990s. In discussions of graft via Oil-for-Food, it has been assumed that the windfall profits were largely kicked back to Saddam, or perhaps used to sway prominent politicians and buy commercial lobbying clout. But that begs further inquiry. There was every opportunity here for Saddam not solely to pocket the plunder, but to send it along to whomever he chose — once he had tapped into the appropriate networks.
Are there other terrorist links? Did Saddam actually send money for terrorist uses through those named by the Forward? Given the more than $100 billion that coursed through Oil-for-Food, it would seem a very good idea to at least try to find out.
Hitchens, the great
So that was a waste of dialogue, wasn't it? A little further on we learn of Gray Maturin that "though built on so large a scale he was finely proportioned, and stripped he must have been a fine figure of a man." Presumably this would also be true of him when unstripped.
It's only a pity that the decision to intervene was left until so many years had been consumed by the locust.
Safire on UNSCAM
Meanwhile, something of true significance--the internal investigation of the 'UNSCUM' Scandal aka the UN Iraq Oil-for-Food Program--is in jeopardy. (Why is this one more important? Simple. It is about the allegation of actual crimes on a grand scale committed under the name of our most important international organization. It's not about alleged blunders and screw ups that are subject to more interpretations than the Babylonian Talmud.) I had been heartened when I learned that the respected Paul Volcker had been appointed to head the UN commission looking into this scandal. So it with some dismay I read in a Wall Street Journal editorial this morning that he may not get a full Security Council backing for his work
Freebie reads
Bits and bytes
Joven desencantado de su nacionalidad española la ofrece en venta o traspaso. Acepto cambio por nacionalidad estadounidense, británica o incluso italiana. Abstenerse franceses, alemanes y belgas.
It's all our fault
The Citizens Foundation
Today is Holocaust Rememberance Day
Paul's articles
I was hitchhiking around Ireland. When I got to Cork, I made the obligatory stop at Blarney Castle and was lowered into the crevice where that famed stone sits. I gave it a solid smooch. A year later, I began making my living in journalism.
So it worked for me. As for the governor, he certainly seems to be a smooth-tongued sort as well. But then, of course, he's been to law school, which is the equivalent not just of kissing the Blarney stone but of taking it to one of those motels that rent by the hour and offer a Jacuzzi in every room.
Could have fooled me. By then, I had come across a Web site that offered this etymology for the term: "The word 'Blarney,' meaning to placate with soft talk or to deceive without offending, probably derives from the stream of unfulfilled promises of Cormac MacDermot MacCarthy to the Lord President of Munster in the late sixteenth century."
Sound familiar? He may not be much of a governor, but no one can say James E. McGreevey is not a good Irishman.
The unethical ethicist
If Cohen were right about the radical injustice of American society, there would be no point in being an ethicist--and no point in publishing a column about the moral decisions of "day-to-day living." By his own lights, he should quit bothering with the irrelevant decisions individuals make and start writing op-eds about collective political decisions.
BBC in the art world
Oliver Stoned
Castro turned to the prisoners' defense lawyers, who just happened to be there, and he says, "I urge you to do your best to reduce the sentences"
Elvis, in a cave
There once was a boy named Osama
who never respected his mamma.
He blew up the World Trade
and is now in a cave,
hiding away, like Saddam-a
Iraqi Nuclear Gear Found in Europe
I didn't make this one up
Catching up on the reading
Marine TV
Spring's a one way street . . .
Why affirmative action doesn't work
Endorsement time
Budget bugs
Fashion statements
I strongly dislike that veteran-foreign-correspondent look where you wander around like you've been sleeping round the back of the souk for a week. So I was wearing the same suit I'd wear in Washington or New York, from the Western Imperialist Aggressor line at Brooks Brothers. I had a sharp necktie I'd bought in London the week before. My cuff links were the most stylish in the room, and also the only ones in the room. I'm not a Sunni Triangulator, so there's no point pretending to be one. If you're an infidel and agent of colonialist decadence, you might as well dress the part.
Just the facts. m'am:
Good Deeds
The March 11 attack was planned in late 2002-early 2003
La investigación sobre los atentados del 11-M sigue avanzado y ya ha permitido establecer que fue a finales de 2002 y comienzos de 2003 cuando comenzó a planearse la masacre. Aunque los terroristas y sectores interesados han tratado de vincular los atentados con el apoyo de España a la guerra Irak, "El Tunecino" ya contactó con el jefe operativo de Al-Qaeda en Europa mucho antes de "la reunión de las Azores".
Roger's Blog
Tony Blair in The Observer
Op-ed by the British PM
Update: Ledeen has more on the subject.
There's no business like show business
"whose soon-to-be-released book, "Plan of Attack," reportedly will contain important new details about the administration's decision to go to war against Iraq."
"The Woodward interview, already taped, follows a similar interview with Richard A. Clarke, the former counterterrorism official whose book, "Against All Enemies," described the administration as ill-prepared for the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
"Both books happen to be published by units of Simon & Schuster Inc., a company that is owned by the Viacom Corporation — which also happens to be the parent of CBS."
Fab5 Spin-Off
a makeover sure to impress and inspire a complete lifestyle change in the subject, as well as the viewers
Still delayed
'Tis a puzzlement!
Unpredictable weather
2 must-reads
'Taxation With Misrepresentation'
"Under these powers we could veto an enacted tax ordinance, such as the one proposed by the Council, or limit tax increases to the inflation rate, or require the Council to submit any tax increase by the voters. Under these powers we could remove an official who said we could have a referendum on the redevelopment bond when the official had used a redevelopment designation to remove our right of referendum."
A Request
Nice that someone thinks so, but make that a goddess
Mob stories
Ya que varios han escrito diciendo que no encuentran el articulo de Reporteros sin fronteras, aqui lo copio:
Reporteros sin Fronteras concede sus trofeos de la represión en el Net
Francia y algunos países francófonos -Bélgica, Burkina-Faso, Senegal, Madagascar y Canadá (Québec)- van a celebrar, del 29 de marzo al 4 de abril de 2004, la Fiesta de Internet. Reporteros sin Fronteras aprovecha el acontecimiento para conceder sus trofeos de la represión en Internet. Este año, la Palma de Oro le ha sido concedida a China. Igualmente se ha recompensado a otros ocho países.
Lista de galardonados :
Palma de Oro : China, con el premio al mejor actor a Hu Jintao. Con 60 ciberdisidentes encarcelados, cientos de miles de sitios de Internet filtrados y una vigilancia implacable sobre los correos electrónicos, China se alza este año con la distinción más alta. El jurado ha concedido el premio al mejor actor al presidente chino Hu Jintao, por sus frecuentes declaraciones sobre los progresos de su país en materia de derechos humanos.
Primer Premio de censura : Arabia Saudí Con más de 400.000 publicaciones digitales oficialmente censuradas, que van desde sitios políticos a los de movimientos islamistas no reconocidos, pasando naturalmente por cualquier publicación que trate, de cerca o de lejos, la sexualidad, el reino saudí ha merecido ampliamente esta recompensa.
Premio al carcelero : Vietnam Con siete internautas encarcelados, Vietnam es la segunda cárcel del mundo para los ciberdisidentes, detrás de su vecino chino.
Premio al (sector) público. Cuba Al gobierno cubano se le recompensa por su dominio sobre la Red, a través de la empresa pública ETECSA, y por su control absoluto de la información.
Premio al mejor decorado : las Maldivas Tres ciberdisidentes se encuentran encarcelados en el país, más conocido por sus playas paradisíacas. Dos de ellos están condenados a cadena perpetua.
Premio de la crítica : Siria Las autoridades mantienen detenidos en secreto a dos internautas, por difundir en el Net algunas informaciones críticas con el régimen.
Premio especial de los medios de comunicación : al presidente de Zimbabue, Robert Mugabe Este premio corona el conjunto de la carrera de ese predador de la libertad de prensa y recompensa su creciente saña con Internet.
Gran Premio de la hipocresía : la ONU y su Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información Por el lugar de excepción concedido por la organización, en su gran cumbre de Internet, a los países que más reprimen este medio de comunicación, como China y Cuba.
Premio especial del Jurado : Nicole Fontaine, Ministra de Industria francesa Por su propuesta sobre la economía digital (LEN), un peligroso texto para la libertad de expresión de los internautas.
Finalmente, Reporteros sin fronteras saluda la apertura de esta Fiesta, recordando que 72 ciberdisidentes van a pasar este 29 de marzo tras las rejas, por publicar en la Red algunos textos críticos sobre sus gobiernos
Buckley has a nice story in The Atlantic, Royal Pain (with links to Scrutiny on the Bounty and We Have A Pope). Which reminds me, Buckingham Palace posted a help-wanted ad for Assistant Private Secretary to The Queen in the April 3rd Economist, in case you're looking.
Asturias Liberal nos cuenta que Reporteros sin Fronteras concede sus trofeos de la represión en el Net. El website de RSF explica,
Francia y algunos países francófonos -Bélgica, Burkina-Faso, Senegal, Madagascar y Canadá (Québec)- van a celebrar, del 29 de marzo al 4 de abril de 2004, la Fiesta de Internet. Reporteros sin Fronteras aprovecha el acontecimiento para conceder sus trofeos de la represión en Internet. Este año, la Palma de Oro le ha sido concedida a China. Igualmente se ha recompensado a otros ocho países
Paul Mulshine has researched (along with Fran Wood the origins of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Economist and property rights activist Hernando de Soto won the Friedman Prize for Liberty, to be presented on May 6.
Stephen Pollard can only speak ill of Sir Peter, to counter the March 29th obit.
Opinion Journal has a great Best of the web today.
Meanwhile, at The Principality . . .
The Arts Council, [the Principality] High School, [Principality] Medical Center. The common thread is an actively growing community facility located in a residential neighborhood. Why are we always giving away additional public benefits to a tax-exempt regional institution, while causing permanent detrimental effects to the many taxpaying residential neighborhoods? Who compensates the homeowner for the loss in value of their properties?
Vargas Llosa in The Guardian
The killers were not mistaken in their target: today's Madrid represents precisely the negation of the radical inhumanities of the obtuse, exclusive tribal spirit of fundamentalism, religious or political, which hates mixture, diversity and tolerance and, above all, liberty. This is the first European battle in a savage war that began exactly two years ago with the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York, and whose inroads will probably fill with blood and horror a good part of this new century. It is a war to the death, of course, and owing to the present fantastic development of the technology of destruction and the fanatic, suicidal zeal that inspires the international movement of terror, it is perhaps a trial even more difficult than those represented by fascism and communism for the culture of liberty.