Fausta's blog

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The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Godot's library opened, but not his parking-building-built-on-the-stream
Dead tree press headlines: Celebration greets opening of [The Principality] library, garage, but wait! After hoopla dies down, the headaches resume. So here's the skinny: the library opened on an "abbreviated schedule" until next week, when it's expected to go on full schedule. The parking-building-built-on-the-stream, however, opened only on Saturday for Communiversity (I'm glad they didn't miss the opportunity to charge $5/car, to start to defray the exorbitant expense) but closed after that, "and the reopening date will be decided on a day-to-day basis".

Meanwhile, Actor objects to beer binge in his 'honor': Paul Newman and his attorney contacted the University last week, urging the University to put an end to a "tradition" of drinking 24 beers in 24 hours on April 24, which apparently got started over some absurd quote attributed to PN. As a result, a number of the University's eating clubs decided to close on Saturday, since they expected a "barrage of media attention". Thankfully, the media had other business to attend to.

Bad Manners:
On page 2 an article starts with "What in the name of Chr*st ".
I object to that.
Granted, in Spanish culture people use the Lord's name freely, and yes, I'm by no means a fundamentalist, but from the point of view of good manners, there are much better ways to start a sentence, or an article. As a result, I didn't read the rest of the article -- not worth my time.


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