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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Venezuela: Today's Countdown to Tyranny

At AgoraVox (in French) La nouvelle constitution vénézuélienne : la réinvention de l’autocratie The New Venezuelan Constitution: Re-inveting autocracy?), by Daniel Duquenal, who is urging people to vote.

Today there's a huge demonstration in Caracas and Miguel is there taking pictures, which Daniel's posting.

At the Washington Post, Juan Forero writes about Old Allies Abandon Chávez as Constitution Vote Nears
But Martínez and a handful of others who once were prominent pillars in the Chávez machine, have defected, saying approval of 69 constitutional changes would effectively turn Venezuela into a dictatorship run at the whim of one man. They have been derided by Chávez as traitors, but their unimpeachable leftist credentials have given momentum to a movement that pollsters say may deliver Chavez his first electoral defeat.

"The proposal would signify a coup d'etat," said Martínez, 58, whose dapper appearance belies his history as a guerrilla and Communist Party member. "Here the power is going to be concentrated in one person. That's very grave."

Pollsters in Caracas say Venezuelans increasingly agree -- even those who continue to support the president but say the proposed overhaul of an eight-year-old constitution goes too far.
Among them abandoning Chavez is Juan Forero himself, along with over 100 individuals and institutions from across Latin America who signed this statement supporting the people of Venezuela in their struggle for democracy:
la pretendida reforma constitucional aludida no sería más que un golpe de Estado ejecutado por medios aparentemente democráticos. Esto constituye un acto más de la nueva modalidad asumida por gobiernos de corte autoritario y populista en Latinoamérica, de apelar a medios ofrecidos por la democracia, para subvertirla hasta hacerla irreconocible.
(my translation, emphasis added)
The purported constitutional reform is nothing more than a coup d'etat carried out through apparently democratic means. This constitutes one more step in the new strategy adopted by Latin American governments cut in the authoritarian and populist mode, through which they go through democratic processes until democracy is subverted to the point where it's made unrecognizable.
Venezuelan students continue to be at the forefront of the protests. NeoNeocon posts about it (emphasis added):
The students of Venezuela may not be able to buck the tide in Venezuela, especially if the election is rigged. It is my sincere hope that they do, though, or Venezuela may end up like Cuba, waiting patiently for their ancient Dictator for Life to finally kick the bucket.
In the latest news, Venezuela Opposition Group Reverses Call on Ballot Abstention
The CNR, in a statement posted to its Web site, said a massive voter turnout would defeat the Dec. 2 initiative to approve 69 changes to the constitution enlarging Chavez's power. Abstention will increase chances of its passage, local pollster Datanalisis said this month.
Countdown continues tomorrow.

More at the Center for Security Policy.

Welcome Michelle Malkin readers! Please read Countdown to Tyranny: Last-minute Chavista Propaganda Offensive

Wednesday's countdown

Dr. Luis Fleischman will be my guest at 6PM Eastern next Sunday, December 2, the day of the referendum, to talk about the day's events.
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