Fausta's blog

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Friday, November 30, 2007

Study: Canadian Beer Drinkers Threaten Planet, eh?

Study: Canadian Beer Drinkers Threaten Planet
Scientists have found a new threat to the planet: Canadian beer drinkers.

The government-commissioned study says the old, inefficient "beer fridges" that one in three Canadian households use to store their Molson and Labatt's contribute significantly to global warming by guzzling gas- and coal-fired electricity.
Expert Joanna Yarrow says,
"People need to understand the impact of their lifestyles," British environmental consultant Joanna Yarrow tells New Scientist magazine. "Clearly the environmental implications of having a frivolous luxury like a beer fridge are not hitting home.
Clearly Joanna doesn't understand that a beer fridge is a necessity, not a frivolous luxury.

In the spirit of Canada, here's the beer fridge/wine cooler at casa de Fausta:
[the photo will be brought to you as soon as the camera battery recharges Photo ready.
Apologies for the inconvenience]

(I just realized we're out of beer. Will have to go buy some as soon as the store opens.)

The beer fridge is right next to the fridge featured in the Tim Blair Fridge Project

Over at Tim Blair's, Canadians aim for title.

Of course, if you're worried about cooling beer bottles and cans, there's always buying the keg...

For those of you in a hurry for their beer to cool, Adam and Jamie proved that the fastest way to cool a six-pack is to spray it with a CO2 fire extinguisher.
Beer + carbon emmissions = cool!

Update: More beer news around the world
Ed has the goods on the Guinness stout keg heist.

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At 10:18 AM, Blogger steveegg said...

It's all good, though that beer fridge looks a bit too new ;-)

At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It baffles me why Canadians would need beer fridges. It's never warmer than 50 degrees farenheit there, is it? Just leave the stuff on the porch (under lock and key, of course). Perhaps that's why Ms. Yarrow considers the fridges luxury items -- they're not needed to chill beer. They're merely more convenient to the couch?

At 5:41 PM, Blogger steveegg said...

It's often colder than 27 degrees (roughly the freezing point of a good beer).


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