Special podcast today at 1PM Eastern: Matt Sanchez calls from Germany
While the WaPo proclaims, 'I Don't Think This Place Is Worth Another Soldier's Life' bloggers like Jim Hoft are taking the time to check and verify. Frequently their findings are contrary to those of the MSM.
Then there are the independent journalists and bloggers that go to Iraq and report from the war zone.
Jeff Emanuel asks, Does independent journalism from Iraq really make a difference?
Clearly it does:
The bottom line is, though, we do have outlets (though none better than our own websites, which is why we try to flush traffic there at every opportunity), and we risk our lives to make the information available. It's up to the American people to decide to use that information. As far as media competition goes, that's a large part of what Bill Roggio and his PMI (an organization I've done a lot of work to help out with) are trying to do -- to set up a news-reporting version of the AP, AFP, Reuters, etc. that makes its living (inasmuch as a 501(c)3 can "make a living") filing reports from the front lines in the war on terror, through the use of embedded reporters. Is it possible? Yes. Is it sustainable? To this point, the conservatives and unaffiliateds who have been approached -- some people who spend an inordinate amount of time griping about the media we (Americans) have vs. the media they want us to have -- have proven unwilling to actually do anything about the problems they are so vocal about; therefore, PMI is behind the power curve as far as funding goes. If and when a conservative (or non-liberal) with actual vision to go along with his or her deep pockets steps forward and decides to back the frontline reporting project, then this, I believe, can and will become a powerhouse of journalism that more and more people will see and become affected by.Today Matt Sanchez, who's been embedded in Iraq for four months and will be returning there after a break in Germany, will be calling for a special podcast at 1PM Eastern.
We will continue the conversation we started three weeks ago when Matt called from Iraq.
The call-in number is (646) 652-2639. Please join us!
In other, unrelated war news,
The Iraqi Army has collected money to aid the families whose homes burned down in California.
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