Venezuelan Supreme Court confiscates RCTV
Chavez Pulls Plug on Venezuela's Favorite Television Network.
The Devil's Excrement has the story:
Studens protest, the regime threatens and the Supreme Court confiscates RCTV's property
Meanwhile, as people begin checking the newssites on the Internet, Noticiero Digital, Megaresistenciaand RCTV websites are taken down by denial of service attacks, the effects of which are still being felt hours later. This is compounded by problems with the CANTV network which take down some other news sites in what may be unrelated to the denial of serivce attacks, since all the others are hosted abroad.The Free RCTV website shows that the closing was scheduled for next Monday.
Earlier today Venezuela News and Views posted, Those exquisite revolutionary moments: RCTV as the "me, my, mine" moment of the autocrat with the tearing apart of a country, but don't miss also Marcel Granier and Hugo Chavez.
Gustavo Coronel has Letter to Senator Richard Lugar.
Thor Halvorssen of The Human Rights Foundation emailed with RCTV Shutdown Condemned By European Parliament; Senators Clinton, Obama, and Kennedy. Let's hope the distinguished senators remember it the next time they talk about President Chavez.
Update, Saturday 26 May Listen to Daniel, Miguel, Gustavo and Thor have to say in tonight's special podcast. Notes on the podcast
Labels: censorship, Communism, Democrats, Hugo Chavez, oil, TV, Venezuela
I seem to keep ending up here for the latest on Venezuelan decline. Thank you.
*Awesome* photo accompanying this article, BTW. What's the source?
The photo's from AP via Yahoo news
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