It sure didn't take long...
with more videos
Yesterday the BBC correspondent was in Caracas (emphasis added)
I was caught up in this, broadcasting from just outside the studios. It seems when a group of Chavez supporters got within a few blocks of the station, the police took action.He finished his report with this,
Over the eerie air raid sirens, shots were fired in the air and people ran for cover. It was not clear who was firing at who, but a few minutes later, more shots rang out.
The atmosphere had become nasty. People ran as fast as they could down the narrow streets to get away from the clashes. We ran with them.
The government says that the station violated broadcast laws and transmitted violent and morally degrading programmes.However,
The decision to renew the licences of other broadcasters, ministers say, shows that Venezuela is democratic and pluralistic.In our conversation after last Saturday's podcast, one of my guests said that Globovision was next. Well, it sure didn't take long:
Second Venezuela TV is under fire
Venezuela's government has accused a TV station of inciting a murder attempt on President Hugo Chavez, hours after taking another network off the air.This time the government has sued. Foreign news servides are also in the crosshairs:
It said footage shown on Globovision implicitly called for Mr Chavez to be killed. The station denies the claim.
Globovision was the only TV station to air footage of a large demonstration against the government's growing control over the media.
Chavez eyes CNN
The government was also suing the US station CNN for allegedly linking Mr Chavez to al-Qaeda, Mr Lara said.
"CNN broadcast a lie which linked President Chavez to violence and murder," he said.
In a statement, CNN said they "strongly deny" being "engaged in a campaign to discredit or attack Venezuela".
This is what got CNN in trouble.
Now all the US cable networks are finally reporting on the protests.
Fox video was there.
The Anchoress posts on the media spin and choosing liberty. Little Green Footballs and Jawa Report look at the Left.
Investor's Business Daily: Freedom: Caracas blackout
More later.
Venezuela's Bonds Fall After Shutdown of RCTV Triggers Clashes
Miguel Octavio will be the guest of Political Vindication's PV Radio podcasttomorrow, Wednesday at 9PM EDT.
Update, 12:20 PM: CNN International's showing more protests right now.
Update, 5:20 OM: Adam Housley of Fox News reported that Chavez had asked his supporters to come down from the mountains and fight the demonstrators, while the police continued to fire rubber bullets and tear gas on demonstrators.
Chavez is asking the opposition if they're prepared to die to defend their beliefs.
And a YouTube for Siggy (risking that he might do a compare and contrast),
Chavez TV
Chavez shooting his own people
6:35PM Housley's wearing goggles - from being hosed down by the water cannon.
More threats from Hugo
Chavez shoots students, also at Gateway Pundit:
Here's a video of one of today's demonstrations: At least the RCTV trucks haven't been impounded yet:
Venezuela once again on the edge
The protesting students have a blog: Resistencia Estudiantil Por La Libertad, with lots of photos, via Oliver
Others blogging
Venezuelans Fight Loss of Free Press.
One Man, One Vote, One Time
Special thanks to Larwyn for the links.
Labels: Blog Talk Radio, bloggers, censorship, Communism, Hugo Chavez, news, oil, RCTV, TV, Venezuela
Thank you Laurie. I had a wonderful time and can only hope that Siggy, the Baron and Dymphna enjoyed it too.
It was fun, wasn't it? We should do a regular monthly schedule of some sort(notice, I have ADD...the Baron is my keeper-of-dates-and-appoointments).
Really, all we did was blather about the moment's issues. I like being an invisible talking head, don't you?
Don't you love Siggy's voice? He sound so authoritative...
Anyway, I'm glad people liked it because it was great fun. We could just do a regular stint until people offered to pay you to shut us up.
Without trivializing what the people of Venezuela are up against, I wonder if our government can sue Chavez for linking President Bush with the devil :-)
Great reporting.
BTW, thanks for the visit!
Maggie's Notebook
oops! In my previous post, I should have inserted this quote from your article:
"Chavez eyes CNN
The government was also suing the US station CNN for allegedly linking Mr Chavez to al-Qaeda, Mr Lara said.
So, my point was: should we sue Chavez for linking President Bush with the devil?
Sorry about that!
Maggie's Notebook
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