Fausta's blog

Faustam fortuna adiuvat
The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Pork in today's items

List that pork, Dana. As Betsy said,
Not only does this bill send the message to our enemies in Iraq that all they have to do is wait us out until the congressional deadline and then they can move in to wreak their terror on Iraq. But concerns about what would happen in Iraq or the rest of the Middle East after this pullout was secondary to posturing before the public and squeezing out more taxpayer money for their pet projects.

Today California will become the first state to decide whether or not it will continue to do business with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Calories, not Chemicals, Make us Fat. Michael knows: he wrote a book about it:

Michael also has a post about the best Combat Video of 2006.

Cliff May writes about A Dangerous Woman: Why Islamists want to kill Ayaan Hirsi Ali

In a lighter mode,
You know what I'll be reading when it comes out:
UK Final "Harry Potter" book cover revealed. The American cover looks different,

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At 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good article.

You are right, there are good number of professionals/educationists across the Globe, but their lack of English, deprive others to take benefit out of their knowledge.

English is one such link, which can fill the gap, and bring those Professionals out by teaching them english, the international link language.

China, Korea and so many other countries are doing this to promote bi-lingual language, and helping them to learn english as well.

However, affordability is a question for professionals / educationists / learners from poor countries.

To void this gap, I have come out with affordable online english learning, http://www.e-initiative.net and hope, this should enable learners to affordably learn english; let everybody benefit from the hidden knowledge pool across the Globe.


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