Fausta's blog

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Friday, March 30, 2007

Everything old is new again in today's items

Democrats Vote to Leave Iraq- 34 Years After the US Left Vietnam... To the Day (Video)

Jules has Good news and bad news.

Iran Humiliates Hostages again.
Special thanks to Larwyn.

Via Maria, The influence of George Soros.

I believe it was George Burns who said, "you live long enough, you get to hear every joke at least twice", and the same thing happens with junk science: Back in the early 1990s before my son was born there was a rumor that a pregnant mothers' consumption of beef meant a reduced sperm counts in their sons. Like George Burns's jokes, we're hearing this one again (h/t Augusto). As Peter Allen sang, Everything Old Is New Again

And for something new, the latest JibJab, What We Call the News

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