Fausta's blog

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The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Friday, March 23, 2007

The case of the cricket coach, and today's items

The cricket coach was strangled.

Liberals Relent on Iraq War Funding because of course they support the troops...

Jay sent a video of the Cuban Ladies In White (wmv file)

Friday fast for all political prisoners and the Ladies In White.

Read Stefania Lapenna's article on The Human Cost of Iran's Islamist Rule

Rob Bluey sent a video on Showdown Over U.S. Attorneys:


Two from Maria:
Dr Sowell writes about Our greedy government
Al's warming lies and the real "inconvenient truth"
If you establish that the Earth is warming, it doesn't necessarily follow that we have a moral duty to reduce emissions. What should follow is an informed debate about the costs and benefits of various policies to address that warming - reducing emissions is just one possible answer. Another debate should focus on those policies' economic costs.

Al Gore doesn't want to have those debates, because the majority of evidence suggests that emissions reduction will be very costly and will have little effect. Kyoto, fully enacted by all its parties, would for all its cost reduce global warming by a mere 0.07 degrees Celsius by 2050 - a barely detectable amount.

In a lighter mode,
The reason I coudln't wait to buy a house was because I had neighbors like Darren's.

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