Fausta's blog

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

One good turn deserves another

June 18, 2003:
Enrique Santos and Joe Ferrero of WXDJ-FM come back with a new prank as they fool Fidel Castro on the phone, pretending to be Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
Here's the recording and transcript.

February 27, 2007:
Cuban president speaks on radio
A stronger Mr Castro appeared defiant on a recent video.
The ailing Cuban President, Fidel Castro, has spoken publicly for the first time since falling ill last July.
He was heard speaking live on the daily radio programme of his ally, the Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez.
It was a live call, and Chavez declared,
Fidel, tu me has convertido en una especie de emisario, de fuente, quién quiere saber de Fidel, yo le digo la verdad, (sobre) su recuperación.
"You have turned me into a kind of messenger, a source, about who wants to know about Fidel, I tell them the truth about his recovery".
Yeah, right.

In other news, Michael Moore senteced two Cuban spies in Miami.

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