Fausta's blog

Faustam fortuna adiuvat
The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Thank you Steve!

Last night we had the pleasure of having dinner with charming and hansome Steve Graham of Hog on Ice, author of the funniest and most delicious cookbook ever to hit the stands. Steve brought his delicious brownies, and my whole family loves them.

You've GOT to try his cheesecake: just take a look at the picture. Steve says,
Food is a lot like women. The most attractive women aren't the perfect ones. The most attractive women have a lot of good features, plus one or two things that make them look "possible." If a woman looks so great you know you have no shot, she tends to become invisible.
Buy the book!

UPDATE, Sunday 29 June
Welcome, Protein Wisdom readers. You're going to love Steve's excellent cookbook.


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At 1:03 PM, Blogger newton said...

This cookbook is the perfect answer to the "no unhealthy foods" stupidity of the Democratic National Committee in Denver!

At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve Graham isn't as nice as he appears. He hates Macs and uses zip cord to wire loudspeakers. His pizza and home-brew are OK though.


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