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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Obama's upcoming Indian idol, scheduled to arrive on July 4: an idol for the idol

In addition to the cult of Obama, Obama himself has been carrying a charm of the Hindu god Hanuman, so Hanuman devotees will be sending him a statue of the revered Indian monkey God, Hanuman:
The group decided to order the idol after they read a magazine report saying that Mr Obama carried a good luck 'monkey king' charm.
Seems that the Indians are hoping for change, and a miracle or two,
"Obama stands for change. We are hoping that he will bring about change so that oil and food prices come down," he said.
The Times of India reports that
Obama's representative Carolyn Sauvage-Mar on Tuesday received a gold-plated two-feet-high idol which she will pass it on to the Obama after it is sanctified.

The idol is being presented to Obama as he is reported to be a Lord Hanuman devotee and carries with him a locket of the monkey god along with other good luck charms.
The idol will be kept at the temple for 11 more days (starting from June 24, the date of the news item) and then sent to US, which means the idol is due to arrive on July 4.

I wonder what the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim communities in the USA will have to say about this Obaman fondness for "good luck charms"...

(h/t Steve)


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