Fausta's blog

Faustam fortuna adiuvat
The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Jimbo has a word to the fence sitters: Come to the party!

Jim of Parkway Rest Stop addresses the big questions:
A Message to the Fence Sitters
Yeah, I'm talking to those of you who have given some thought to attending the upcoming Spring BlogFest a/k/a Jersey Blogmeet on April 5th in Princeton, but who haven't yet taken the plunge.

I suspect that you're thinking runs something like the following, to which I will add my commentary, as a veteran of ten blogmeets in five different states:

Jeez, I won't know anyone there.
It may take you all of three minutes to know a dozen people. Bloggers are an exceedingly friendly bunch. After ten minutes, you'll find it hard to get a word in edgewise, because bloggers are not only friendly, they are also loquacious blabbermouths.

Princeton? I've heard of the school (Yeah, it's the one that lost the first intercollegiate football game to Rutgers), but getting there is a pain in the ass.
Car – easy. Princeton sits on Route 1. Trains: They run from various places in Jersey and from Philly and New York. Teresa is making the trek from Massachusetts and the Wiseass Jooette will be schlepping in from the New York Shithole Brooklyn. The Triumph Brewery (the site of the festivities) is walking distance from the station.
A blogger from Georgia and another one from Virginia are coming. It's easy to get here even from Newark airport.

More questions,
What if it's borrrrrring? What if it's borrrrrring? What if I think all the people there are jerks? Will they think I'm a jerk? I have nothing to say to these people. My sock drawer needs arranging on April 5th. Jim has all the answers.

The food's going to be good, Jim will let you touch his great farookin' hair, I'll show off some of my newly-learned tango steps, and Jazz will improvise.

And we won't run out of beer.

What are you waiting for? Make your reservation right now! The restaurant needs to know how many people are coming ahead of time, so the time to make the reservation is right now.

How much: $45 per person, plus CASH BAR

You can make a check payable to Fausta Wertz, PO Box 1589, Princeton NJ 08542-1589, or pay through Paypal:

For more information, click here

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At 9:26 PM, Blogger Suzette said...

Is that Jazz this Jazz?


At 9:27 AM, Blogger Fausta said...

I meant this http://ronbeas2.blogspot.com/ Jazz, but I hope http://tryaches.blogspot.com/ comes, too!


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