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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A FARC fan. . . in congress

Gerard links to the WSJ editorial, A FARC Fan's Notes.

I have posted in the past asking for Congress to pass a free-trade agreement with Colombia. This would be a huge step towards improving the Colombian economy, possibly curtail immigration into the US, while at the same time it would have nearly no negative effect on the American economy.

Congress is firmly doing nothing.


Well, consider the following:
A hard drive recovered from the computer of a killed Colombian guerrilla has offered more insights into the opposition of House Democrats to the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement.

A military strike three weeks ago killed Raúl Reyes, No. 2 in command of the FARC, Colombia's most notorious terrorist group. The Reyes hard drive reveals an ardent effort to do business directly with the FARC by Congressman James McGovern (D., Mass.), a leading opponent of the free-trade deal. Mr. McGovern has been working with an American go-between, who has been offering the rebels help in undermining Colombia's elected and popular government.

Mr. McGovern's press office says the Congressman is merely working at the behest of families whose relatives are held as FARC kidnap hostages. However, his go-between's letters reveal more than routine intervention. The intervenor with the FARC is James C. Jones, who the Congressman's office says is a "development expert and a former consultant to the United Nations."
Mr. McGovern's office says it knew what Mr. Jones was doing and engaged with him because "we need to find an interlocutor who could discuss these things including the safe haven" for the guerrillas.
We now know where Congressman's McGovern's sympathies lie.

Not only McGovern:
Via Gateway Pundit by way of Larwyn, Semana says,
Another discusses an apparent effort by U.S. Democrats to have celebrated novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez mediate talks with the insurgents — possibly with former President Clinton's involvement.

There is no evidence the FARC ever obtained surface-to-air missiles, however. Attempts to reach Clinton and Garcia Marquez were unsuccessful.
Hillary have any experience on this too?


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