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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Head of Bhutto clan rejects new leadership

A friend just sent me this:
Head of Bhutto clan rejects new leadership
The head of the Bhutto tribe, a founding member of the Pakistan Peoples Party, has rejected the appointment of Benazir Bhutto's husband and son to lead the group and predicted that it will split the party.

Mumtaz Bhutto's comments threaten to reopen the deep fissures in the family, Pakistan's foremost political dynasty. The Bhuttos started to fall out after the 1979 execution of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the nation's first elected prime minister who turned the Peoples Party into its most potent political force.

In an interview Tuesday, Mumtaz, first cousin of Benazir's father, Zulfikar, and a former senior official in the PPP, said that the leadership of the party should have gone to a "real" Bhutto.

Asif Ali Zardari, Benazir's widower, was unrelated to the Bhuttos, while his son, Bilawal, carried the name Zardari until his mother was assassinated last week, when he took on Bhutto as his middle name.

"The party has come into existence on the name and the sweat and the blood of the Bhutto family," said Mumtaz, 74, a long-time critic of Benazir who lives on a grand country estate in Mirpur Bhutto, the original family village in Sindh province. "Therefore, the leadership should either have gone to Sanam or Murtaza's son or daughter."
The article states that the Bhutto tribe has 700,000 people.

For now, the elections set for next week in Pakistan have been postponed until 18 February, but this Reuters article says that
The party of slain Pakistan opposition leader Benazir Bhutto does not want next week's scheduled general election postponed because a delay would help its political opponents, a party spokeswoman said on Monday.

"We don't want any delay. That's what we have asked (for)," Farzana Raja said after the Election Commission met to consider delaying the Jan. 8 poll.
A lengthy delay could dissipate emotional support for the party and help the PML (Quaid-e-Azam), a party allied with President Pervez Musharraf who seized power in a 1999 military coup and is under intense pressure to hold democratic elections.
This morning Siggy posted on L'Affaire Bhutto: A Story Of Political Filth. You must read the whole post, since excerpts won't do it justice. Siggy concludes with,
The Bhutto Affair proves one thing. Politics is a filthy business.
Maria sent me a NYPost editorial on how the Pakistani political crisis has presented Americans with a real test of which of the nation's would-be presidents are fit for the Oval Office.

Meanwhile, Musharraff has just announced that UK investigators are to assist in the inquiry into the assassination. Gateway Pundit posts that Police Discover Bhutto Killer's Head (Warning: Gross). The British investigators have their work cut out for them, since, as Ali noticed last week, firefighters were already hosing down all evidence of the bombing right after it occurred. Bhutto's husband has refused an autopsy.

Jeremiah has more on an Australian Woman Asks Right Questions Re Bhutto Assassination - Plus, The Thot Plickens.

Pakistan Has Had Enough Words

And now for the overkill conspiracy theories:
Did A Hi-Tech Laser Beam Kill Benazir Bhutto?
Some food for thought: If the allegations about laser beam technology prove to be true...then the important question: How did this latest sophisticated US technology reach Pakistan?
Plweeez. The usual thirdworldista meme: Yet another attempt to blame everything on the US.

At least A. J. Strata has some sense:
The scientifically and technically challenged who got their education from Hollywood SciFi flicks are really showing off their ignorance. Lasers come in all different levels of energy. I would not worry too much about the lasers used to 'paint targets', they are designed to be invisible to the human eye. But if a high powered laser were to be used it would leave just as much of a signature as a bullet. A nice clean, cauterized path would be clearly evident. Of course, the power required for these kinds of laser beams require an equipment van the size of a semi-tractor trailer to house the beam forming components. You definitely are not going to see a hand held laser which can penetrate skin and bone (you know, the cranium) in less than a second anytime soon. And why would the US (or anyone) use such a device in the wide open when an autopsy would detect the unique form of damage in an instant?

Why is it all the scientifically and engineering ignorant inhabit the leftward fever swamps???? Someone explain THAT to me.
Because if they weren't scientifically and engineering ignorant, they wouldn't inhabit that fever swamp.


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At 4:22 PM, Blogger SC&A said...

AJ is absolutely on the money.

Only one word was missing from these latest conspiracy theories: MOSSAD.

At 4:23 PM, Blogger Fausta said...

Give it time, Siggy, give it time...

At 7:43 PM, Blogger Obi's Sister said...

Does he shave? I mean, really, he looks all of twelve. And like the little princes of years past, he'll just be a puppet playing as he is told. If - he doesn't follow his mother to an untimely grave.

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At 1:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 1:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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yukon gold casino -
yukon golds -
yukon golds casino -
zodiac casino -
zodiacs casino -
32 vegas -
32 vegas casino -
3 diamond casino -
3 diamonds -
3 diamonds casino -
49 er -
49er casino -
49ers casino -
50 star -
50 stars -
50 stars casino -
888 -
888 casino -
ace club -
ace club casino -
ace clubs -
amber coast -
amber coast casino -
amber coasts -
amber coasts casino -
bingo knight -
bingo knights -
bingo knights casino -
black pools uk -
black pool uk -
black widow -
black widow casino -
black widows -
black widows casino -
cabaret club -
cabaret club casino -
cabaret clubs -
cabaret clubs casino -
caribbean sun poker -
caribbean sun poker casino -
caribbean suns poker -
carnival casino -
carnivals casino -
car sand -
car sands -
car sands casino -
casino france net -
casino frances net -
casino king -
casino kings -
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casino onliners -
casino profit share -
casino profit shares -
cd casino -
cd poker -
challenge casino -
challenges casino -
cirrus casino -
cirrus casinos -
club dice -
club dice casino -
club dice poker -
club dices -
club dices casino -
club dices poker -
club player -
club player casino -
club players -
club players casino -
cool cat -
cool cat casino -
cool cats -
cool cats casino -
cote dazur palace -
cote dazur palace casino -
cote dazur palaces -
cs casino -
cs casinos -
diamond club -
diamond club casino -
diamond club poker -
diamond club poker casino -
diamond clubs -
diamond clubs casino -
diamond clubs poker -
empire poker -
empire poker casino -
empire pokers -
empires poker -
enter casino -
enter casinos -
euro grand -
euro grand casino -
euro grands -
fair poker -
fair poker casino -
fairs poker -
fast win -
fast win casino -
fast wins -
fast wins casino -
fifty stars -
fifty stars casino -
gambling wage -
gambling wages -
geisha lounge -
geisha lounge casino -
geisha lounges -
gl casino -
golden reef -
golden reef casino -
golden reefs -
golden reefs casino -
golden riviera -
golden riviera casino -
golden riviera poker -
golden riviera poker casino -
golden rivieras -
golden rivieras casino -
golden rivieras poker -
gold key -
gold key casino -
gold keys -
gold keys casino -
grand ace -
grand ace casino -
grand aces -
grand aces casino -
grand bank -
grand bank casino -
grand banks -
grand banks casino -
i big -
ibig casino -
ibigs casino -
i play tournament -
i play tournaments -
jackpot in a flash -
jackpots in a flash -
jackpots in a flash casino -
joyland casino -
joylands casino -
king solomon -
king solomon casino -
king solomons -
king solomons casino -
kiwi bingo -
kiwi bingo casino -
kiwi casino -
kiwi casino poker -
kiwis bingo -
kiwis casino -
luck and roll -
luck and roll casino -
luck n roll -
luck n roll casino -

At 1:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mad bingo -
mad bingo casino -
mad bingos -
magic box -
magic box casino -
magic boxs -
magic boxs casino -
magic oasis -
magic oasis casino -
miami paradise -
miami paradise casino -
miami paradises -
miami paradises casino -
miss bingo -
miss bingo casino -
miss bingos -
mummy gold -
mummys gold -
mummys gold casino -
mummys golds -
music hall -
music hall casino -
music halls casino -
new york casino -
new yorks casino -
noble poker -
noble poker casino -
nobles poker -
nostalgia casino -
nostalgia casinos -
nostalgias casinos -
omni casino -
omnis casino -
palace of chance -
palace of chance casino -
palace of chances -
palace of chances casino -
party casino -
party casinos -
party gammon -
party gammon casino -
party gammons -
party poker -
party poker casino -
party pokers -
partys casino -
partys poker -
peach casino -
peachs casino -
pigg casino -
pigg peak -
piggs casino -
piggs peak -
piggs peak casino -
piggs peaks -
planet luck -
planet luck casino -
planet lucks -
play gate -
play gate casino -
play gate poker -
play gate poker casino -
play gates -
play gates casino -
play gates poker -
poker 333 -
poker 333 casino -
poker metro -
poker metro casino -
poker metros -
poke round -
poke round casino -
poker round -
prestige bingo -
prestige casino -
prestige poker -
prestiges bingo -
prestiges casino -
prestiges poker -
rich webmaster -
rich webmasters -
river nile -
river nile casino -
river niles -
river niles casino -
ruby bingo -
ruby bingo casino -
ruby bingo casino uk -
ruby bingo uk -
ruby fortune -
ruby fortune casino -
ruby fortunes -
rubys bingo -
rubys bingo uk -
sands of the caribbean -
sands of the caribbean casino -
s casino -
slot alley -
slot royale -
slots alley -
slots alley casino -
slots alleys -
slots alleys casino -
slots royale -
slots royale casino -
slots royales -
spass kasino -
spin palace -
spin palace casino -
spin palace poker -
spin palace poker casino -
spin palaces -
spin palaces poker -
sport interaction -
sports interaction -
star luck -
star luck casino -
star lucks -
star lucks casino -
sterling house casino uk -
sterling houses casino -
sterling house uk -
sun poker -
sun poker casino -
suns poker -
swiss casino -
the sand -
the sand of caribbean -
the sands -
the sands casino -
the sands of caribbean -
three diamonds -
three diamonds casino -
tiki bingo -
tiki bingos -
tikis bingo -
uk casino club -
uk casino clubs -
uk casinos club -
usa casino -
wager junction -
wager junctions -
window casino -
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you bingo -
you bingo casino -
you bingos -
action gold -
action poker -
action pokers -
actions poker -
affiliate lounge -
affiliate lounges -
all jackpot -
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all slots -
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all star affiliate -
all star affiliates -
apues tas -
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aus vegas casino -
bellas vegas -
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bet 19 -
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bet casinos -
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bet euros -
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bet holdems -
bet on game -
bet on games -
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bet on races -
bets son -
bet wwts -
big bettys -
big bettys bingo -
bing fantasy casino -
bingo 777 -
bingo 777 casino -
bingo cafe -
bingo cafes -
bingo fantasy -
bingo for money -
bingo hall -
bingo hall casino -
bingo halls -
bingo liner -
bingo liners -
bingo palace -
bingo palaces -
bingo reward -
bingo rewards -
bingos 777 -
bingos cafe -
bingos for money -
bingos liner -
bingos reward -
black pool bingo -
black pools bingo -
break away -
break away casino -
break aways -
break aways casino -
bright right -
cash wave -
cash waves -
casino domain -
casino domains -
casino euro -
casino euros -
casino lucky dog -
casino lucky dogs -
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city club -
city club casino -
city clubs casino -
cyber sportsbook -
diamond gal -
diamond gal casino -
diamond gals -
dimaond gals casino -
earn united -
fair deal sport -
fair deal sports -
first web casino -
first webs casino -
five card charlie -
five card charlies -
five cards charlie -
fortune junction -
fortune junction casino -
fortune junctions -
geisha bingo -
geisha bingos -
geishas bingo -
giant vegas -
giant vegas casino -
go casino -
go casinos -
gold betting -
good as gold casino -
grand bay -
grand bay casino -
grand bay poker -
grand bay poker casino -
grand bays -
grand bays poker -
grand casino royale -
grand casino royales -
grand riviera -
grand riviera casino -
grand rivieras -
hampton casino -
hamptons casino -
hotel casino network -
hotel casinos network -
internet bingo -
internet bingo casino -
internet bingos -
jackpot factory -
jackpot factory casino -
jackpot joy -
jackpot joy casino -
jackpot joys -
jackpots factory -
jackpot wheel -
jackpot wheel casino -
jackpot wheels -
jet bingo -
jet bingos -
jets bingo -
jupiter club -
jupiter club casino -
jupiter clubs -
king neptune -
king neptune casino -
king neptunes -
king neptunes casino -
kiwi bingo casino uk -
kiwi bingo uk -
lady dream -
lady dream casino -
lady dreams -
lake palace -
lake palaces -
mahjong time -
mahjong times -
merlins magic -
merlins magic casino -
merlins magics -
oasis casino -
online vegas -
online vegas casino -
only bingo -
only bingo casino -
only bingos -
paradise affiliate -
paradise affiliates -
paradise poker -
paradise pokers -
paradises poker -
play 65 -
play 65 casino -
players vegas -
players vegas casino -
player vegas -
plays 65 -
play united -
play united casino -
poker in canada -
poker share -
poker share casino -
poker shares -
pokers in canada -
portofino casino -
portofino casinos -
portofinos casino -
race track -
race track casino -
race tracks -
race tracks casino -
refer bingo -
refer bingos -
refer spot -
refer spots -
revenue giant -
revenue giants -
roxy palace -
roxy palace casino -
roxy palaces -
roxy poker -
roxy pokers -
roxys poker -
royal dice -
royal dice casino -
royal dices -
sail away casino -
sail aways casino -
sand piper -
sand piper casino -
sand pipers -
sci fi -
sci fi casino -
shark casino -
shark casinos -
sharks casino -
sierra star -
sierra star casino -
sierra stars -
sierra stars casino -
slots village -
slots villages -
slot village -
speed bet -
speed bets -
tcads -
the six shooter -
the six shooter casino -
the six shooters -
the star -
the star casino -
the stars casino -
tiger gaming -
top card casino -
top cards casino -
top line bingo -
top line bingo casino -
top line bingos -
top lines bingo -
trident lounge -
trident lounge casino -
trident lounges -
trident poker -
trident poker casino -
trident pokers -
tridents poker -
triple win -
triple win casino -
triple wins -
ultimate bet -
ultimate bets -
vegas break -
vegas break casino -
vegas breaks -
vegas breaks casino -
vegas expert -
vegas experts -
vegas splendido -
vegas usa -
vegas usa casino -
vic bingo -
vics bingo -
vics bingo casino -
vics bingos -
vip -
vip casino -
vip casinos -
vip horse -
vip horses -
vip poker -
vip poker casino -
vip profit -
vip profits -
vips -
vip soccer -
vip soccers -
vips poker -
vip sport -
vip sports -
wager profit -
wager profits -
wild jack -
wild jack casino -
wild jack mobile -
wild jack mobiles -
wild jack poker -
wild jack poker casino -
wild jacks -
wild jacks casino -
wild jacks mobile -
wild jacks poker -
win ward -
win ward casino -
win wards -
win wards casino -
wssb casino -
wssb casinos -
wssbs casino -
wssb sport -
wssb sports -
24h poker -
24h poker casino -
24h pokers -
24kt gold casino -
400 affiliate -
400 affiliates -
9 AM -
9 game -
9 games -
9 poker -
9 poker casino -
9 pokers -
absolute poker -
absolute pokers -
absolutes poker -
acf webmaster -
acf webmasters -
acropolis casino -
acropolis casinos -
aspinalls online casino -
atlantic lounge -
atlantic lounges -
aztec riches casino -
aztec riches poker -
bet 365 -
bet 365 casino -
bet 365 poker -
bet 365 poker casino -
bet 365 pokers -
bet com -
bet fred -
bet max -
bet max casino -
bet on usa -
bets on usa -
bingo -
bingo bank roll -
bingo bank rolls -
bingo cabin -
bingo cabin casino -
bingo cabins -
bingo program -
bingo programs -
bingo promoter -
bingo promoters -
bingo royalty -
bingo royaltys -
bingos -
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bingos promoter -
bingos royalty -
bingos uk -
blackjack ballroom -
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can bet -
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can bets -
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capital bingos -
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captain cooks casino -
captain cooks poker -
casino 365 -
casino 770 -
casino blasters -
casino classic -
casino controller -
casino kingdom -
casino partouche -
casino partouches -
casino rewards -
casino room -
casino rooms -
casinos 365 -
casinos 770 -
celeb poker -
celeb pokers -
celebs poker -
cindy poker -
cindys poker -
cindys poker casino -
cindys pokers -
club euro -
club euro casino -
club euros casino -
club uk -
club uk casino -
club uks casino -
club usa -
club usa casino -
club usas casino -
cocas casino -
cocoa casino -
crystal palace -
crystal palace casino -
crystal palaces -
crystal palaces casino -
da vincis gold -
da vincis gold casino -
diamond deal -
diamond deal casino -
diamond deals -
diamond deals casino -
dream poker -
dream pokers -
dreams poker -
ecard room -
ecard rooms -
el bingo -
el bingos -
euro poker -
euro poker casino -
euro pokers -
euros poker -
festive bingo -
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festive bingos -
festives bingo -
flamingo club -
galactic bingo -
galactic bingo casino -
galactic bingos -
galactics bingo -
gaming income -
gaming incomes -
giga slot -
giga slot casino -
giga slots -
global player -
global players -
golden casino -
golden palace -
golden palace bingo -
golden palace mobile -
golden palace poker -
golden tiger casino -
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gran casino espana -
grand online -
gut shot -
gut shots -
holdem poker -
holdem pokers -
holdems poker -
i net bet -
i net bets -
inter champ -
inter champs -
inter champs casino -
isa bet -
isa bets -
island poker -
island poker casino -
island pokers -
islands poker -
jackpot palace -
jackpot palace casino -
jackpot palaces -
jackpots palace -
juegos 65 -
ladies bingo -
ladies bingos -
lady bingo -
las seter -
las seter casino -
las seters -
las seters casino -

At 1:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

las vegas usa -
las vegas usa casino -
lucky emperor -
metro casino -
metros casino -
my bookie -
my bookies -
nine -
nine am -
nine game -
nine games -
nine poker -
nines -
online casino -
oyna 65 -
pacific poker -
pacific poker casino -
pacific pokers -
pacifics poker -
paradise 8 -
paradise 8 casino -
paradise eight -
pharaoh casino -
pharaohs casino -
phoenician casino -
play and deal -
play and deal casino -
player club -
players club -
players club casino -
players clubs -
play n deal -
poker -
poker affiliate -
poker affiliates -
poker cs -
poker rewards -
poker room -
poker room casino -
poker rooms -
pure slot -
pure slots -
purple lounge -
purple lounge casino -
purple lounges -
pyramid casino -
pyramids casino -
rock my wallet -
rock my wallets -
royal card club -
royal card clubs -
royal cards club -
sia casino -
sias casino -
slot -
slot 24 -
slot cr -
slot fever -
slot fever casino -
slot fevers -
slot fevers casino -
slot land -
slot lands -
slot plus -
slots -
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slots cr -
slots fever -
slots fever casino -
slots land -
slots plus -
stars and stripes -
stars and stripes bingo -
strike it lucky casino -
sun palace -
sun palace casino -
sun palaces -
sun palaces casino -
sunset casino -
sunsets casino -
this is vegas -
this is vegas casino -
touch stone poker -
touch stone poker casino -
touch stone pokers -
touch stones poker -
true earning -
true earnings -
twin ace -
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twin aces -
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vc casino -
vc casinos -
vc poker -
vc poker casino -
vegas casino online -
vegas casinos online -
vegas lucky -
vegas lucky casino -
vegas luckys -
vegas luckys casino -
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victor -
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victor chandler -
victor chandlers -
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victor chardler casino -
victor poker -
video poker classic -
video pokers classic -
villento -
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virtual city poker -
yukon gold casino -
zodiac casino -
32 vegas -
3 diamonds casino -
49er casino -
50 stars casino -
777 dragon -
7 sultans -
7 sultans poker -
888 -
888 casino -
ace club -
aces high -
action gold -
action poker -
all jackpots -
all poker casino -
all slots -
all star affiliates -
amber coast casino -
aposte -
arthurian casino -
aus vegas -
bella vegas -
bet 19 -
bet bet -
bet casino -
bet euro -
bet game day -
bet holdem -
bet on games -
bet on races -
bet wwts -
big bettys bingo -
bingo 777 -
bingo cafe -
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bingo reward -
black pool bingo -
black widow casino -
break away casino -
bright right -
cabaret club casino -
cameo casino -
caribbean gold -
caribbean sun poker -
carnival casino -
car sands -
cash wave -
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casino coins -
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casino fortune -
casino fortune uk -
casino france net -
casino king -
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cirrus casino -
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cool cat casino -
cote dazur palace -
crazy vegas casino -
crazy vegas poker -
cs casino -
cyber sportsbook -
desert dollar -
diamond casino -
diamond club casino -
diamond club poker -
diamond gal -
earn united -
empire poker -
english habour -
english habour poker -
english habour uk -
enter casino -
euro grand -
europa casino -
fair deal sports -
fair poker -
fast win casino -
first web casino -
five card charlie -
fortune affiliates -
fortune junction -
fortune lounge -
fortune room -
gambling wages -
gaming club -
gaming club poker -
gaming club uk -
geisha bingo -
geisha lounge -
gl casino -
go casino -
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golden riviera poker -
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gold key casino -
good as gold casino -
grand aces -
grand banks casino -
grand bay -
grand bay poker -
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grand hotel casino -
grand prix lotto -
grand riviera -
hammers casino -
hampton casino -
havana club -
home casino -
hotel casino network -
ibig casino -
internet bingo -
i play tournaments -
jackpot city -
jackpot factory -
jackpot joy -
jackpots in a flash -
jackpot wheel -
jet bingo -
joyland casino -
jupiter club -
king neptunes casino -
king solomons -
kiwi bingo -
kiwi bingo uk -
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kiwi casino poker -
lady dream -
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mad bingo -
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mapau -
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miss bingo -
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noble poker -
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portofino casino -
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prestige poker -
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refer back -
refer bingo -
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revenue giants -
rewards parking -
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river belle -
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roxy palace -
roxy poker -
royal plaza casino -
royal vegas -
royal vegas poker -
ruby bingo -
ruby bingo uk -
ruby fortune -
sail away casino -
sandpiper casino -
s casino -
sci fi casino -
seven sultans -
seven sultans poker -
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super slots -
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swiss casino -
the six shooter -
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tiger gaming -
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titan poker -
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top line bingo -
trident lounge -
trident poker -
triple win -
uk casino club -
ultimate bet -
usa casino -
vegas 7 casino -
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vics bingo -
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you bingo -
24h poker -
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32 vegas -
400 affiliates -
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777 dragon -
7 sultans -
7 sultans poker -
888 -
888 casino -
9 AM -
9 games -
9 poker -
absolute poker -
ace club -
aces high -
acf webmaster -
acropolis casinos -
affiliate lounge -
all poker casino -
amber coast casino -
aposte -
apues tas -
arthurian casino -
aspinalls online casino -
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aztec riches casino -
aztec riches poker -
bet 365 -
bet 365 poker -
bet com -
bet fred -
bet max casino -
bet on usa -
bets son -
bingo bank roll -
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bingo knights -
bingo program -
bingo promoter -
bingo royalty -
bingos -
bingos uk -
blackjack ballroom -
cameo casino -
canadas best bingo -
can bet -
canbet casino -
canbet poker -
canbet sports -
capital bingo -
captain cooks casino -
captain cooks poker -
caribbean gold -
carnival casino -
casino 365 -
casino 770 -
casino blasters -
casino bleu blanc rouge -
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