Fausta's blog

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The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

"The Rule", Anarchy and the Will of God, and today's items

Larwyn's on a roll, and she's sent great links:

"The Rule":
GM Roper spells it out for you.

Richard has an excellent post, Anarchy and the Will of God
The world of anarchy is one in which man acts without the intermediation of the State. It is a world in which "what works", where "common sense" and the natural order -- not State-sanctioned law -- are the basis for organizing and action.
You must read every word. Siggy & I had the pleasure of talking to Richard two weeks ago, and we touched on the subject of failed states.

As I have mentioned before, someone's really afraid of Fred, that gun-toting womanizing twice-married gay guy who is loved by his children and liked by attractive women lawyer -who might have lobbied on abortion sixteen years ago-Senator movie star on horseback rascal.

They're criticizing Fred's Gucci shoes (the shoes in the video look more like Ferragamos to me, but what do I know?), and now there's the FCC complaint.

As Dan says,
Their obvious concern over Thompson may be the most compelling reason for interest in him as a candidate I've seen during the last few relatively quiet weeks.

In my experience, having someone find fault with you because your shoes are of too high a quality is a sure sign of envy on their part.

The new old China continues to import toxic goods: now it's pajamas with formaldahyde in woollen and cotton clothes at levels 500 times higher than is safe..

Clothes can be washed and aired, but now I'm wondering what they add to shoes?

(My most recent pair of Ferragamos was made in Italy, in case you were worried. I have, however, bought a few pairs of shoes made in China. Maybe I should go back to wearing hose for the rest of the summer.)

More blogging later.
The formaldahyde's no cause for concern, says Asia Biz Blog.

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