Fausta's blog

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The New Republic lies, and a few other items

Fact or Fiction?
The New Republic's "Shock Troops": Fact or Fiction? Looking more and more like fiction
Scott Thomas, Franklin Foer & The New Republic- Beatdowns all around
Doubting Thomas: Simple Questions for the New Republic
They Don't Really Support the Troops: The latest from the New Republic and the Nation

Former Gitmo Prisoner In Suicide Bombing
The US has released hundreds of detainees from its Guantanamo Bay prison under pressure from human-rights groups, demanding an end to the detention of suspected terrorists captured mainly in Afghanistan. The US has warned that releasing these prisoners will result in their return to terrorism, creating more danger for civilians and for the military still working to bring an end to the Taliban and their allies, al-Qaeda. More than a few have been captured a second time or killed in battle with Western forces.

This time, the terrorist committed suicide by grenade rather than get captured alive in an attempt to take a couple of his enemies with him
I didn't watch the YouTube "debate: but Captain Ed and Stephen did.

James didn't watch, either.

Special thanks to Larwyn.

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