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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Iranian games

A brief round-up of Iranian news shows the games are on:

There's the video game,:
Iran's New Game: `Rescue Nuke Scientist'
An Iranian hard-line student group unveiled a new video game Monday that simulates an attempt to rescue two Iranian nuclear experts kidnapped by the U.S. military and held in Iraq and Israel.
"We tried to promote the idea of defense, sacrifice and martyrdom in this game," Fakhrian said.
Does that means that you win if you blow yourself up at the end? And what about the 72?

The real-life nuclear game:
IAEA, Iran agree visit at disputed reactor site

The EU energy game:
US criticises Turkey-Iran gas deal

The American-hostages-on-TV game:
Iran Puts Detained Scholars Before TV Cameras

The fashion game:
Iran police step up crackdown on unIslamic dress, yet again. Mannekins are not safe, either.

The currency game:
Iran Asks Japan to Pay Yen for Oil, Start Immediately

The new axis game:
Oiling the axis - Iran and Venezuela develop closer ties

Lest you think that all these games amount to a lot of fun, a lot of people don't agree with you.

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