Fausta's blog

Faustam fortuna adiuvat
The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Harry Potter, shoes, The Carnival, and tomorrow on BTR

Check out the Blogathon!

Since a family member is away and took with him HP7, last evening I went and bought another copy. Blogging will be light until I finish the book (halfway there).


The subject of shoes proved popular in the It'll Never Happen post. Here's my latest purchase - mine are black patent:

Comfortable, goes well with slacks and skirts, and on sale.
(Let's hope Amazon doesn't show the HP book link instead of the shoes! Here's the direct link)

Tomorrow July 30 at noon (EDT), my guests will be Baron Bodissey and Dymphna of Gates of Vienna, along with Siggy. We will be discussing Hazelton, Gates of Vienna's new calendar, and Sarkozy's visit to Libya.

My first BTR show with GoV and SC&A was fascinating and very popular, and I'm sure this one will be, too.
Please join us!
blog radio

Dr. Sanity has the Carnival of the Insanities


UPDATEAlabama Improper is having a Blogathon for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Please visit.

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At 11:03 AM, Blogger Ken Adams said...

Past the halfway point you will find it very difficult to put down. Enjoy!


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