Fausta's blog

Faustam fortuna adiuvat
The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Movie reviews, and a photo

First the picture,
Durham, NC, Monday morning

We saw Oceans 13 last night and liked it for what it is: a showcase for Las Vegas, and for the stars. One thing for sure: it is one expensive-looking movie. David Paymer steals the show as the hapless hotel reviewer.

Here's the trailer:

A lot of people are deploring all these movie sequels; it's just another way of marketing the old serial movies, like the Thin Man series, and the Sherlock Holmes series of old.

Update, Monday 25 June
Was the Al Pacino character an architect from Dubai?

Jules Crittenden rips Ebert's review, via Larwyn. Roger Ebert is a Bloviating Ass, for sure.

Also via Larwyn, A Jacksonian looks at Robots for the future of farming.

I'm adding Conservative Beach Girl to my blogroll.

GM Roper hands out another Dimwitted Dodo Award.

A little life, saved

I don't know if Dr Sanity's having a Carnival today, but here's the link all the same The Carnival is up:

And, if you can't get the dog to the beach, get the beach to the dog,

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At 2:15 PM, Blogger Beach Girl said...

Thank you, Fausta. I'm returning the favor right now.

At 1:42 PM, Blogger GM Roper said...

Thank you For the Link Fausta, your high level of discernment is exactly why you are on my "Highly Recommended Reads" Blogroll ;-)

At 1:47 PM, Blogger GM Roper said...

Sorry, that was an older account. GM Roper
GM's Corner

At 3:00 PM, Blogger Fausta said...

Thank you both, BG and GM!


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