Fausta's blog

Faustam fortuna adiuvat
The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Death on the sands! Call the nanny state!

Via Huber,
Reason on Line uncovers the scandal: Castles Made of Sand IV: The Revenge -- This Time It's Personal

Is this from The Onion?


The article's in the New England Journal of Medicine: Sudden Death from Collapsing Sand Holes. Where the NJEM goes, can CNN be far behind?

Or, as a commenter in the Reason post says,
Good thing the New England Journal of Medicine is covering this issue...nothing screams Medicine like people falling into holes...
Here, I've invented a cure:

You can thank me later. Nominations to the Nobel Prize for Medicine are deeply appreciated.

(Later today I'll go to the beach and photograph one of these lurking dangers as a public service to my readers.)

Update, Saturday June 30:
I did go to the beach that day and photographed, but wasn't able to post the photos because I was too lazy until today. So here you have them:

Holes to China, or craters of death?

This one has a lethal weapon ready to chew your toes:

I post, you decide.

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At 3:18 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

You've got my nomination.

At 4:15 PM, Blogger Fausta said...



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