Jimmy, the worst president ever, and today's items
Investor's Business Daily has Profiles in Incompetence: a 10-part series on the worst president in American history
Part one: Look who's talking
Go and read all of them.
Monica Showalter, editorial writer for IBD, was one of my podcast guests. You can listen to the podcast here
Who's feeding Cuba, you ask?
The US:
Cuba expects to sign deals worth $150 million with American food producers at talks starting on Monday that point to sustained U.S. interest in the Cuban market despite political hurdles.
One U.S. farm state delegation after another has gone to Havana this year to pitch sales of wheat, corn, beans, peas, lentils, chicken and other products needed by communist Cuba to feed its people.
U.S. sales to Cuba are allowed on a cash-only basis under an exception to the embargo enforced against Castro's leftist government since 1962. Despite the hostility between Washington and Havana, [US] exports have totaled $1.55 billion since 2001.
Sigmund, Carl and Alfred has an excellent post on Memorial Day And The Mirror Of Hope,
Americans talk about freedom so passionately because we are passionate about that great ideal.You must read the rest. You can also vote for it at Real Clear Politics
Freedom is the foundation of our beliefs. Because of freedom we free to choose the things we believe in, without fear of violence or repercussion. Freedom is the only ideology that wants to make the world a better place, a place where each and every one of us can author our own destiny- and do so without without stripping others of their rights. In a free society, we are free to exercise free will. We can choose to believe in God or we can exercise that free will and choose not to believe in God. In a free society, God takes care of His affairs. In a society that isn't free, the tyranny du jour takes it upon itself to handle God's affairs for Him.
The fight for freedom has not been easy. It never is. There are those that see the cost of freedom and want us to abandon the citizens of nations that so desperately need liberation from tyranny. It is tempting indeed to walk away, in the myopic and absurd belief that we would be forever extricating ourselves from a problem.
Siggy has been my podcast guest three times and tomorrow he'll co-host with me as we welcome Gates of Vienna's Dymphna and Baron Bodissey.
If you didn't listen to Siggy's reading of School Daze, go back and listen. This was my inagural podcast and it certainly was "starting with the right foot".
Barcepundit (who was also my podcast guest - is there a pattern here?) has a this hypothetical letter from a newspaper editor to a cartoonist.
My neighbor TigerHawk has Operation Hero Miles: Donate your frequent flier miles to injured soldiers and their families. Here's how.
The Carnival's
I'll be posting about last night's podcast later today.
Labels: Barcepundit, Carnival of the Insanities, Democrats, DrSanity, Friends I Haven't Met Yet, Gates of Vienna, Jimmy Carter, Sigmund Carl and Alfred
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