Hitchens on Tenet
George Tenet was in the Clinton administration, and he was in the Bush administration. And now he's selling his book.
But Hitchens has the skinny: A Loser's History: George Tenet's sniveling, self-justifying new book is a disgrace
Notice the direct quotes that make it clear who is the author of this brilliant insight. And then pause for a second. The author is almost the only man who could have known of Zacarias Moussaoui and his co-conspirators—the very man who positively knew they were among us, in flight schools, and then decided to leave them alone. In his latest effusion, he writes: "I do know one thing in my gut. Al-Qaeda is here and waiting." Well, we all know that much by now. But Tenet is one of the few who knew it then, and not just in his "gut" but in his small brain, and who left us all under open skies.Read it all.
From Roger L. Simon's comments, former intelligence officers ask for Tenet's to return his Medal of Freedom.
Time to dismantle the CIA? Update For now, Scrappleface dismantles Tenet. Cassandra, however, says it best,
I can forgive Bill Clinton, Sandy Berger, and Richard Clarke for failing to kill Osama bin Laden, for weighing the risks and benefits differently than I do, or even did. I can forgive them for not singling out one Presidential Daily Briefing entitled "Bin Ladin Preparing to Hijack US Aircraft and Other Attacks", even though on his watch the World Trade Center had already been attacked, and acting to remove the threat.
What I cannot forgive is the lying and historical revisionism of Bill Clinton and his Clinton-era holdovers who contradict their own past statements in a transparent attempt to shift the blame from an administration which had EIGHT YEARS to do something about al Qaeda and numerous opportunities to kill Osama bin Laden to an incoming administration which, during a time of transition following a contested election, only had EIGHT MONTHS and, according to the head of the CIA's bin Laden unit, no opportunities to kill Osama bin Laden.
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