Fausta's blog

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

French elections round-up

The decisive factor will now be which of the two is more successful in attracting voters from the centre ground in the May 6 runoff election. Update Don't miss also Daniel's post on the results.

Bloomberg, Monsters and Critics, BBC, all mention the 85% turnout. More (in French) at France2

The results are in
: Streaming video at France24 (click on "Live Feed") Sarkozy 30%; Royal 25.2%; Bayrou 18%
Sarko and Royal go to the runoffs on May 6.
LePen's out of the game.
Nidra Poller reports from the street.

Earlier this week, AJC Briefing - French Presidential Elections and The Economist had commentary.

Via Jeremayakovka, Party Poopers

Times (UK) Sarkozy all smiles as France goes to the polls

France 24

10:40 AM:
Red State: FRANCE-Pres: Poll Analysis and Outcome
No pasaran: Election Watch: the French obliged to look elsewhere to learn what's going on at home
Pajamas Media who says, You know something strange is up when a French presidential contender poses in a red plaid shirt on horseback. What, no Stetson?
Washington Post
Can France be saved?

In French:
Le Figaro and France2 are talking about high turn-out.
13 Heures

Will continue to update throughout the day.

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At 10:28 PM, Blogger Eric said...

Great work Fausta! You seem to have beaten Drudge and most of the MSM to the story.

At 1:26 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

Hi Fausta!

I am visiting to promote myself, with all sincerest apologies. since you wrote on French elections, I am writing to tell you that I just posted on the results and IN ENGLISH.! All what you want to know, or need to !!!!

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I do believe that Nicolas Sarkozy will beat Ségolène Royal but only by a very slim margin.

For info, televised debate on 2nd May has been set between the protagonists. Negotiations between key men of the right-wing UMP and left-wing Socialist Party are underway to outline the debate's 'rules of engagement'. The runoff election is on 6th May.


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