Fausta's blog

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The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Upcoming events: Blog Talk Radio and a rally

Today at 11AM I'll be Layla's guest at her Blog Talk Radio program, Blow Out
Here's the link to Layla's Blog Talk Radio host page.
Update: You can listen to the archived podcast here:

My Blog Talk Radio guests next Monday, March 26 at noon will be Pamela Hall, Mary Jones and Desiree Bernstein. We'll be talking about the upcoming
Rally Against Islamo-Fascism Day (R.A.I.D.)

The UNITED AMERICAN COMMITTEE will be holding its
Second Annual Rally against Islamo-Fascism
March 31st, 2007 at GROUND ZERO
corner Liberty & Trinity Place (Church St)
From 12 Noon to 2 PM

This National Rally will be held simultaneously in Los Angeles, Boston, Columbia, Missouri as well as Orlando, Florida.

The United American Committee is an organization committed to Public Awareness and Education in the battle against Radical Islamic-Jihad. The
PC-"police" in co-operation with organizations like CAIR are continuing to control the information-highway; withholding the truth about Jihad through intimidation. We must stop the deception!
The World-Wide Jihad against our Western Culture and the control of our American Press by such apologists as CAIR is real. The intimidation is real. And the American Public must Wake-Up to this threat; a threat to our schools, our culture and our public safety; slowly eroding our laws and our safety from within through lack of Public Awareness.

Please join us at Ground Zero on March 31st, 2007.

Representatives from such organizations as NYICE, NYPAICE, CSDL(Coalition for a Secure Drivers License) GET OUT THE FACTS (which had success recently picketing and challenging the lies and distortions in the Off-Broadway play "My Name Is Rachel Corrie"), NJCIC, as well as a representative from The David Horowitz Freedom Foundation and surviving family members of the 9-11 Holocaust at Ground Zero will join us and many others TBA as we challenge CAIR: " They claim they are in support of America and against terrorism. Well, CAIR is more than welcome to stand with us and condemn bin Laden, Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorists by name at this rally."

This will be a joint effort of organizations with a common goal of educating others to the dangers posed by Radical Islam. "This is an opportunity for people of all walks of life to come together, setting aside political or religious differences." remarks United American Committee Chairman Jesse Petrilla, who also noted that Muslims are especially encouraged to join in the rallies.
Also, meet the blogosphere: live! Those who help in this fight to tell the truth about Radical Islam, such as KesherTalk, WhatAreTheySaying, UrbanInfidel and ThePeoplesCube, amongst many others.
All will speak to these on-going dangers; what we must do to protect ourselves today and to save our tomorrows for our children and our children's children through Public Awareness and Legislation.

Contact : Pamela Hall

I'll be at the rally.

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At 4:25 PM, Blogger SC&A said...

The blogradio interview will be a good one.

Looking forward to that.

At 4:36 PM, Blogger Fausta said...

Thanks - you can listen to it at Layla's Blog Talk Radio page. I hope I wasn't too wordy.


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