Fausta's blog

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The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Geoffrey Chaucer writes back!

As I mentioned yesterday in the Blography, I'm a frequent visitor to Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog. I emailed GC to tell him that I mentioned him in the podcast, and he gracefully wrote back,
Ma Chere Fausta,
Mony thonkes for makynge mencioun of myn litel blog during yower interviewe.
Yt was a thing of much enjoiement to listen to yower thoghtes on the blogosphere, and eek an added bonus to heare myn blogge "plugged" on the air. Oon the best and faireste joyes of makinge myn blog hath been the manye goode folke who enjoie yt.

Alack! This bringeth to my mind that ich sholde maken a pooste soon.
Yt ys a busy autumn, and parliament ys a royal payne in the tuckus, so ich
haue had but litel tyme to kepe vp wyth myn writinges on the internette.

Oones more, grant merci for thinkinge of myn blogge.

Le Vostre
I emailed back asking for permission to post it, and he replied,
Galfridus Chaucer, Justiciar Pacis Regis in Comitia Cantiae ad Fausta Blogger, Sciant presentes et futuri that heere ich yive vnto Fausta my
lease and permission to pooste the text of myn emayle to her y-sent this XV Novembris in her blogge and release her from eny daunger or penaltees that might incur from swich a poostinge. Yiven vndir my owen seale (the which does trickes! yt kan balaunce a balle vpon his nose! Yt beth the best seale evir), this XVIth daye of November.
Indeed, Master Geoffrey indulges in puns, too.

Now it's time for the Historic Tale Construction Kit

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At 2:50 PM, Blogger Obi's Sister said...

I love Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog! My favorite is the video game reviews...

At 4:18 PM, Blogger Fausta said...

Here's one of Lowys's game reviews: Lowys Sez Blade Storm = Not Worth Your Time

At 5:33 PM, Blogger SC&A said...


Three dead thickly accented psychiatrists aren't enough for you...

Actually, the Chaucer dude is pretty cool...

At 6:59 PM, Blogger Fausta said...

The Three Dead Thickly Accented Psychiatrists are the Best!

Even if they don't post in Middle English.


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