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Friday, October 27, 2006

Georgetown U bought for $20 million

Remember the prince who offered $10 million to Rudolph Giuliani after the 9/11 attacks, and Giuliani turned down the money after the prince suggested U.S. policies in the Middle East contributed to the September 11 attacks?

The prince found someone for sale: Georgetown U.

Via Phyllis Chesler, BRAVE NEW SCHOOLS: Georgetown gets $20 million from prince promoting Islam. Just months later, university ejects evangelical Christians from campus
The Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University has been renamed after Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal donated $20 million to its projects. And while that may be just the tail, the dog appears to be moving away from its historic Catholic and Jesuit teaching philosophy too.

The Center's leaders say it now will be used to put on workshops regarding Islam, fostering exchanges with the Muslim world, addressing U.S. policy towards the Muslim world, working on the relationship of Islam and Arab culture, addressing Muslim citizenship and civil liberties, and developing exchange programs for students from the Muslim world.

The "Christian" part of the center's projects at the university that has a history of 200 years of higher education following its Christian founding, is conspicuous by its absence in its website plans for its 10-year future.

But that won't be a surprise to leaders of a number of Christian evangelical groups whose leaders recently were told to leave the campus and not list Georgetown University as a site for operations in the future.
Read the whole article.

Phyllis also emailed information on how to contact Georgetown University:
President John J. DeGioia
Office of the President
204 Healy Hall
37th & O Streets, NW
Washington, DC 20057

Tel: (202) 687-4134
Fax: (202) 687-6660
I urge all Georgetown alumni and parents to make themselves heard.

Marathon Pundit has more on the prince and GU.

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At 11:12 PM, Blogger A.M. Mora y Leon said...

If you ever want a real gross-out, get a copy of Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal's self-commissioned biography. It's the goofiest self-monument I ever saw. He has some journo write up some hagiography about him, a Horacio Alger story and the whole thing is so transparent that he had a princeling's privileges that it kind of makes you laugh. When it doesn't disgust you of course. The guy is nuts.


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