Fausta's blog

Faustam fortuna adiuvat
The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Larwin's links,. treats for troops, and today's articles from Maria

Today I inagurate a new feature: Larwyn's links
Vicente Fox Starts a Crime Rate War with the US... Loses
The President and the Presidency
Blaming the Disease on the Cure
Did We Create Or Expose More Islamo-Fascism? Or, Did We Expose More CIA Abuse?
Australia, the Beacon of Sanity

Today's articles from Maria
Treats for troops:
The Foster-A-Soldier Program automatically matches you with a registered soldier by branch of service, home state, gender, or birthday – or you can choose to sponsor a group of soldiers. Then all you have to do is go shopping in the Treats for Troops Gift Shops, and your care package will be on its way.
In China, Children of the Rich Learn Class, Minus the Struggle

It's always about Bill
While Bill Kristol finds three reasons Why Clinton "Lost His Temper": The former president knew what he was doing, others see narcisism: A stained dress, a TV mini-series and a glimpse of narcissistic rage Clinton, Shame and Narcissism: Destroying the Eyes of the World
I watched Bill shake his finger at, and poke Chris Wallace's thigh, and heard Bill repeat his protestations of "I tried". As my friend used to say, "trying is not doing". Listen to Yoda, Bill.

Secrets of South Park, via Irwin.

'Green flag of Allah will fly over Vatican'
Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi Explains His Fatwa Sanctioning the Killing of Israelis Visiting Egypt

Yet another cosmic question: Are crunches the wrong move?

In case you didn't guess, Bill Gates & Warren Buffet are still seriously rich. While The Husband's old car fetched a really paltry sum when he finally exchanged it for a new car, someone paid $73,200 for Warren's 2001 Town Car on ebay. Maybe The Husband should have auctioned the old jalopy on line.

At the blogs
Again, appeasement never works.

My four favorite shrinks are now blogging together at The Sanity Squad

Today I'm in Washington DC for the Pajamas Media panel. Will post about it after I return.


At 9:13 PM, Blogger ShrinkWrapped said...

It is about time Larwyn's contributions to the blogosphere received some much deserved attention.


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