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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Chavez in China

(with apologies to those who hate aliteration)

Hugo's on schedule trying to buy Venezuela a seat in the UN Security Council (yet another reason to shut down the UN), and is now visiting China:
Chavez arrived in the Chinese capital on Wednesday with plans to sign agreements to boost China's investment in oil-rich Venezuela with joint projects in petroleum, telecommunications, farming and railways.

He also proposed an ambitious target plan under which Venezuela -- the world's No. 5 oil exporter -- will almost quadruple its sales to China, which wants access to Latin American energy supplies to fuel its booming economy.
At the same time that a Chinese newspaper notes mistrust of the Chavez visit, Chile continues on the path to prosperity by signing free-trade pacts not only with the US, but also with China.

Meanwhile, in Venezuela Accompanied by a donkey, a popular Venezuela comedian on Wednesday signed up as a candidate to challenge Hugo Chavez in presidential elections, and addiitonally, there appears to be a serious candidate for the opposition.

The campaign season promises to be interesting: Venezuela News and Views posts on a chavista coming out of the fascist closet.

(technorati tags , , , )


At 10:19 AM, Blogger SC&A said...

My bet is on the guy on a donkey.

If HUgo doesn't have him offed, imagine the humiliation of beiong beaten by an ass.

At 7:39 AM, Blogger Fausta said...

I don't have a clue as to how to reactivate the RSS code. I tried doing it myself and you can see the result.
Any help is greatly appreciated.


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