Fausta's blog

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The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Migraine relief, and today's articles from Maria

Electrical pulse to aid migraine. The migraine zapper device, however, looks scary enough to give me a headache:
At the blogs
Be Kind To The Factually Challenged

"He Wasn't In His Right Mind"

World Cup as revolution: Soccer—The World Upside Down

The X-Ray Project. More here.

The Middle Finger Salute To The "Bush Lied People Died" Hysterics

Just to be clear, I'm not questioning John Murtha's patriotism. I'm quesioning his ethics.

Civil Liberties For Terrorists But Not For Troops

Today's articles from Maria
Human rights groups silent on death of Americans

French PM Causes Uproar Over Airbus
Airbus deal in jeopardy

CUPE Ontario Votes To Boycott Israel; See Full Page Ad that Appeared in Canada's National Post Newspaper

China beats rivals to buy Russian oilfield

Wrong, defeated, humiliated: why the Left still hates Lady Thatcher
The fact is that a basic law of the charm factory [the BBC's drama department] has once again been proven: that no day is too short, and no opportunity too tangential, to vilify Lady Thatcher. To this, we might add another observation: that people with a certain cast of mind have come to see her as so inhuman that no act of vilification can be deemed too much.
On the one hand, the Beeb's drama presents Margaret Thatcher as "a bellicose drunk, demolishing whiskies and importuning other guests for refills"; on this side of the Atlantic, we have Ted Kennedy, Promoted from kid brother to family patriarch by BBC News.

Prison for you, but not for me

The Loneliness of a Conservative Librarian

Brit Guards' Bearskin Hats May Be Banned, which made the infantile exhibitionists naked protestors come out:
On Sunday, about 100 animal rights activists staged a naked demonstration in London to protest against the hats.
It would be a lot easier to take global warming seriously if 30 years ago the same gang hadn’t been warning us that global cooling was going to turn us all into popsicles

Iraq legacy will affect not only Bush, but Democrats, too

A few Historical tidbits on Marx, Engels, Carlyle and Dickens.

A slide show: Gladiator, American Style


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