Fausta's blog

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Monday, June 19, 2006

Get Elijah to the IHOP, and today's articles from Maria

Get Elijah to the IHOP, or Today's Idiot Celebrity
Earning the title of Today's Idiot Celebrity (TIC), France2 news showed a couple of days ago an interview with former hobbit Elijah Wood, who left the shire and went to France on a junket. Elijah was among the crowd of actors and directors who took part in Paris, Je t'aime, a film described as a pleasing romantic tumble. The tumble part comes from having 18 directors and I don't know how many actors in a 2-hr movie, but I digress. Elijah earned his TIC by gushing about France because, of all things,
"In the US when you go out to eat you have to get up and get your food in a tray and take it to your table. In France you sit at the table and they bring the food to you"
Elijah, get thee to an IHOP. They have waitress service.

Honestly, at times I believe that casting departments check applicants' IQs and reject all above the median.

Best advice of the week:
In the July issue of BBC Music Mag, page 18:
What they've said . . .
"When I'm 40, too old to be a rock star, I plan to go back to college to study classical music"
Coldplay's lead singer Chris Martin should get started on his audition pieces.
One for the You're young only once, but you can remain immature forever file:
Wag the Blog
The divide between the partisans and the ideologues is generational. In addition to being white and wealthy, the average Daily Kos reader is about 45 years old, which is clear from all the gray hair at the Riviera. What emerges from the weekend is that the leadership and public faces of the liberal blogosphere are young, while the rank and file is middle-aged. The twenty- and thirtysomethings have created a space for the forty- and fiftysomethings of the old New Left to reconnect with the political activism of their youth. The young, tech-savvy pioneers of the actual blogs tend to be pro-partisan, while the baby-boomers are pro-ideology.
At the blogs
Are New Jersey Democrats Trying To Hide Another Scandal?

NY Attorney General Warns ACLU About Restricting Speech Of Their Own Members

Via Instapundit, A high school with 41 valedictorians? To me, 41 valedictorians means that the school administrators must have gone through the casting director's IQ criteria (see above) to qualify for the job. While some believe that the X-Men movies are about being gay, I believe they are about being extraordinarilly talented in a world of mediocrity. Someday I'll post on that.

New website (in Spanish) Organización por la Democracia Liberal en Venezuela

Today's articles
Martin Peretz on Larry Summers and his enemies
The most astute constituency at Harvard, it turns out, is the cohort of undergraduates. They called him Larry from the beginning, a genuine sign of affection and a proper sign of esteem. The fact is that Summers spent more time with students than most professors, few of whom grade their students' papers or even know their names. Is he haughty? No. Ask the students who cheered whenever they encountered him. So who was intimidated by him? Only those who couldn't answer his questions.
U.S. Marines Build Shrine To Islam

. . . from Maria
Two from TownHall.com
Immoral equivalence
Why strike Canada?

Americans for Prosperity Announces Statewide TV, Radio Ad Blitz Against NJ Gov. Jon Corzine’s Proposed $1.8 Billion Tax Hike

Host of new species found worldwide: Fly, shark, frog, fish among fresh discoveries by scientists

The Doc has the Carnival!

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