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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Death in Gaza, and today's articles from Maria

Death In Gaza: Who is to blame for grief on a beach?
But there is an even larger question not asked. Whether the rocket bases are near civilian beaches or in remote areas, why are the Gazans launching any rockets at Israel in the first place -- about 1,000 in the past year?
Today's articles from Maria
Into the Fray: Christopher Hitchens responds to a former Iraqi official's missive. Hitchens addresses the Wilson lies,
If you now want to say that Joseph Wilson can't be relied upon even to tell the difference between you and the well-known Nizar Hamdoon, then you are taking a stand upon much firmer ground. (Except that you oddly rely on his account, rather than yours, to say that you don't recall the last meeting between Saddam and a U.S. ambassador. Have you no memory or diary of your own?) You are also wise to have avoided reading his ludicrous book. Wilson is one of the great clowns of our time, and proves it every day. By the way, he has recently spoken highly of you as "a world-class opera singer" who "went to the Vatican as his last post so that he could be near the great European opera houses in Rome." (See Craig Unger's piece in the July 2006 Vanity Fair.) If you think he doesn't know you well enough even to know your face, let alone to discuss your operatic accomplishments, then complain to him, not to me. I would love to be the one who put you two (back?) in touch. I certainly never said that you were actually an opera singer, though there's something minor-key operatic about your long moans and sobs of self-pity on the Wagner question. I took care to say that a liking for Wagner—which I share—is no condemnation.

If you really insist, I shall try to believe you when you say that your reappointment to the Iraqi Embassy at the Vatican was the result of a sentimental chat between his holiness the pope and the disgusting war criminal Tariq Aziz. (How one pictures that affecting scene!) Will you just remind me of what other full embassies Saddam's Iraq was maintaining in Europe in 1994? A time of international U.N. sanctions, no-fly zones, and the utter isolation of your government? A perch in Rome might have been worth having, arias or no arias.

Finally, I repeat my original question. You have claimed that you only went to West Africa in 1999 to try some ordinary sanctions-busting and to attempt to induce regional African governments to end the legal isolation of your genocidal chief. This seems discreditable in itself, but why on earth would such a lowly task fall to the Iraqi ambassador to the Holy See? Can you perhaps understand why Italian and British and French intelligence, given your IAEA background, raised an admonitory flag? Can you defend your assertion in Time magazine that you knew nothing of Niger's main product and export? Will you not admit that the awareness of your trip predated any attempt at any later forgery by whomever it was attempted or for whatever motive? Have you read the two independent British reports, confirming the validity of the initial intelligence? These are the real issues, and you only call renewed attention to them by your heavy efforts to be amusing.
Moscow demands immediate release of Russian hostages in Iraq
The claim of responsibility came two days after Chechnya's pro-Russian leaders claimed to have "decapitated" the rebel movement by killing its self-styled "president".
The kidnapping took place last Saturday.

It's an Islamic jihad, stupid

Two from the NY Post:

What makes Khan so critical to understanding Persia's nuclear puzzle? By all accounts, he's the only person outside of Iran capable of providing some of the missing pieces on the plans and capabilities of Iran's largely clandestine nuclear program.
Would you like 'queso' on that sandwich? Now imagine if Geno's had to translate every language spoken in Philadelphia . . .

Two from Town Hall:
The pursuit of gratification.
Something we don't hear enough of nowadays, Shame

Don't count on inheritance, warns AARP

What causes hurricanes? Republicans! If Bill Clinton said it, then it must be true.

Today's Brazil: Where Jesus trumps decadence. Jim Rutz sees number of churches in nation outpacing U.S. by 2010

Three articles with questions on ethics and medical techonology:
Genetic test delays: Mother chooses to undergo major surgery over years-long limbo
Revealed: UK set for first face transplants.
This is outright creepy: Mixing Animal, Human Cells Gets Exotic

Maria sent today's video, which should carry a medical warning as Connie Chung should NOT sing, period. As Maria said,
they would never dare to show it to prisoners at Guantanamo
Ex-anchorwoman warbles farewell song that has America in pain. It's horrible enough without the sound, but I love the pianist's expression.

Other articles
the real value of Cuba’s efforts, as well as the Craig/Flake bills, is that they highlight the absurdity of our own outdated offshore drilling policy.


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