Fausta's blog

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Friday, June 23, 2006

And all that gas . . .

No, not gasoline, but gas, specifically, sarin and mustard gas

As it turns out, some more WMDs were found in Iraq where coalition forces have recovered about 500 shells, canisters or other munitions that contain degraded mustard gas or sarin nerve agent. The story has gone mostly ignored by the MSM, while the NYT (along with the LA Times) for instance, leaks another national security program, again.

I say some more because just a week ago substantial evidence was found of more buried WMDs.

Then there's
Even the UN has determined that Saddam Hussein shipped weapons of mass destruction components as well as medium-range ballistic missiles before, during and after the U.S.-led war against Iraq in 2003.

Yet the Left continues to wallow in denial and repeat the "Bush lied" mantra.

However, this one takes the cake:
Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif), who is normally fairly level-headed about War on Terror matters, asserted on Fox News today the newly-reported chemical weapons discovered in Iraq were old and therefore no more dangerous than aging items one might find "under the kitchen sink."
Commenter Good Ole Charlie explains on sarin
This is the chemical agent that even Adolph Hitler refused to use during WWII (largely perhaps because Adolph was gassed himself during WWI [see Mein Kampf's opening pages for his description]).
The same impure (~1% pure) agent that raised a ruckus in the Tokyo subway system a few years ago. Even the decomposition products are nasty, but not as deadly as sarin itself.
The Husband, who also has a background in science, tells me that the main difference between fresh mustard gas and decayed mustard gas is that the decayed mustard gas doesn't burn the skin, lungs and eyes as badly as the fresh [clarification] yet remains lethal.

Jane Harman, along with her party, need to stop inhaling the toxic gas fumes of their own partisanship. And rather than look under the sink, they should examine their own consciences.

Update: Dr. Sanity
National security be damned. They have their own war to win. And they won't cut and run or redeply their forces until their mission is accomplished and Bush is defeated. Anything that furthers that specific goal, by their definition, is truly heroic.
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