NYT public editor bemoans late correction of Airbus story
Byron Calame, the beleaguered NYT public editor, is upset that the NYT didn't correct the SRO airline seat story sooner than it did. As readers of this blog remember, when I first heard about the Airbus proposal for standing-room airline "acomodations" I let it rip (see April 26 post). My post did include links to articles where Airbus said it was not in discussions with carriers about having a standing room "seat", starting with the London Times. I first heard of the story through France2 news, not through the NYT.
However, there is a most interesting line in Calame's article:
Airbus had abandoned the idea no later than 2004.which means they did think of this in the first place. Last month I suggested that the Airbus geniuses that came up with this idea be forced to fly standing up every time they travel.
And don't give them any food or water, either.
(technorati tags airbus, Travel)
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