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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hillary speaks, Larry listens

Larry Kudlow listened to Hillary's Big Government Nightmare
Hasn't Mrs. Clinton noticed the worldwide spread of free-market capitalism that has become such an enormous wealth creator across the globe - including Eastern Europe, India, China, and the rest of Asia? The economic growth principles of higher after-tax returns for work and investment, deregulation to limit government's reach, and the privatization of government-run companies have become almost commonplace following the Reagan-Thatcher revolution of 25 years ago. But Mrs. Clinton would have us turn the clock back in ways that even her husband didn't support. She defines her goals in terms of "a middle class life, education, health care, transportation, and retirement." But all this is nothing more than a massive dose of government spending and regulating - a sure prescription for humongous taxes and a declining economy.

No wonder the Chicago ballroom started to snooze. Mrs. Clinton's ideas electrified the audience about as much as a broken plug attached to an old land-line phone.

Why not employ the tax code to reward success rather than punish it? What about investor-owned savings accounts for health care, retirement, and education? Why not put pro-market consumer choice, rather than government, at the center of the 21st century economy? How about setting the fiscal stage so the non-rich can get rich?
Imagine New Jersey, 50 times, and you'll have Hillary's vision materialized.


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