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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Corleone, and today's articles from Maria

They picked him up in Corleone: PATHETIC END TO CAPO DI TUTTI CAPI'S REIGN

Apes go apesh*it: Chimps Sought in Attack on U.S. Tourists in Sierra Leone

Dissent or sedition?

Greenhouse, global warming - and some facts
Humans can only claim responsibility, if that's the word, for abut 3.4% of carbon dioxide emitted to the atmosphere annually, the rest of it is all natural
At the blogs:
Via Jay, Andrea Clarke wants to live.

Fjordman's posting on A New Oslo Peace Process?
Bruce Bawer, author of recently published book While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within, devotes a good deal of space to European media in his writings, which is appropriate. Norwegian Prime Minister and leader of the Labor Party, Jens Stoltenberg, has stated that "journalistic diversity is too important to be left up to the marketplace." The government is still running two out of Norway’s four national TV channels, and three of its national radio channels. NRK, the Norwegian equivalent of the BBC or Burka Broadcasting Corporation in the UK, complete with the same anti-American, anti-Israeli and pro-Islamic bias, was the only national TV channel in Norway until 1992, three years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Leader of the right-wing Progress Party, Mr. Carl I. Hagen, has labelled NRK "ARK," or "Labor Party’s Broadcasting Company," since until the 90s, most of its leaders were former leading members of the Labor Party. In addition to this, something that would be unthinkable in the USA, Norwegian taxpayers actually subsidize commercial Norwegian newspapers. This is supposedly to ensure diversity of opinions. This system means that Norwegian taxpayers, whether they want to or not, subsidize the existence of Norwegian Communist newspaper Klassekampen (The Class Struggle), whose members in the 1970s strenuously denied any mass-murders done by Pol Pot and his comrades in Cambodia, denouncing these accusations as "capitalist lies" to slime a successful, Socialist nation. Norway’s only professor of journalism at the University level, Sigurd Allern, is a former leader of the Communist Party. He is today teaching critical thinking to aspiring journalists at the University of Oslo.
Venezuela's Picture of the Day: The fruits of tyranny


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