The Guillermo Fariñas blogburst
Today, bloggers across the world honor a brave man, Guillermo Fariñas.
Start by reading Val Prieto's post, Let me be buried on this spot!
Many bloggers are participating on this blogburst:
Fariñas is an outlaw, and a hero
In Cuba, freedom is against the law. And anyone who resists the exercise of Fidel Castro’s tyranny is an outlaw, whether they do so silently, like a majority of Cubans, or whether they step up — like independent journalist Guillermo Fariñas — and put at risk their life and what little liberty they might have and go public with their opposition to the regime.At Critical Miami
We are blogging about this because we agree that it is an injusticeWould you starve yourself just to do the simple things?
Call your Senators, Congressmen, local news stations and the news networks and tell them what this man is doing and why he is doing it.Blogging for Coco
If you're a blogger, a quick post would be great.From Italy, Stefania posts about another dissident, Martha Beatriz Roque, and 14 more refugees.
Cubanet posts a Miami Herald article on Fariñas: Dissident ready to be 'martyr for freedom of information'
From Valencia, Spain, La batalla de Fidel Castro contra Internet
Havana-May 1958-Nov 1960 A brief digression to honor a VBM - Very Brave Man
the subject of this post will digress from the continuing story of the Havana that was, in order to publicize the valiant fight - and the plight - of a Very Brave Man who is fighting for the very things we of the blogger brotherhood and sisterhood take for granted, too often.Dean’s World says
They don't even deny people this freedom in China--they try to censor it, but they don't deny people access to it. In China they have it better! Is it even thinkable?My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Free people universally and regularly express outrage at Chinese censorship of the internet (and especially Google’s complicity). We write about and sign petitions for bloggers arrested for expressing their views. Meanwhile, Guillermo Fariñas Hernandez is dying just 90 miles from the United States for the right to have open access to the internet. Spread the word.Beth has more.
At Wall Street Cafe: The Value of Freedom, The Silence Is Deafening. Read both posts for a complete overview of Fariñas's plight.
Shhh...Don't Mention the Gulag: Liberal Blogger Silence on the Third Anniversary of Cuba's Black Spring
Starving for Access
The light that blinds the tyrant
There’s a man in this world that is dying, but his light is not to be extinguished, far from that, his light shines bright, brighter that any other star surrounded by the dark sky of what is communist Cuba.Guillermo Farinas is Cuba
Contrary to Hollywood depictions, communism isn’t sexy. It’s an ugly stark non-fertile existence in which the human spirit is crushed and the soul is repeatedly raped. Humans were never meant to live in captivity and that is exactly what Communism is, a large state run prison in which parole is never an option. One is born into this prison and one eventually dies in this prison. Save for those few with the courage to break their shackles and attempt escape.Guillermo Fariñas: Victorious Unknown
What I know of Guillermo Fariñas is that he is a trained psychologist who turned his attention to journalism. He did so with the hope that as the outside world learned more of what was really going on in Cuba, something could be done about the human rights abuses that were rampant there. Mr. Fariñas was jailed, beat up by thugs on the street, and most recently had his access to the internet taken away. He decided to take a final stand with a hunger strike.Also at Texidor Blog, He Is Dying
Dying for Freedom
Choice, the choice to die for freedom is a solitary decision.THOUGHT CONTROL, TOTALITARIAN IDEOLOGIES, & GUILLERMO FARIÑAS
I have spent much of my working life trying to free my patients from the constrictions their inner, unconscious conflicts impose upon their own minds. I have struggled to help free my sickest patients from the chains their illness imposes upon their minds. The evil that the Castro regime continues to perpetuate is a crime against Pajamas Media:
Hunger Strike for Internet Freedom - In Cuba
Cuba's Black Spring, 3 years
Fariñas blogburst
CNN Video
(Alternate link for the video via Beth)
Newspaper articles
WebProNews Cuban Man Hunger Strikes For Internet Access
Reuters: Cuban On Hunger Strike For Internet Access
Human rights worsening in Cuba, analysts says
Committee to Protect Journalists CUBA: CPJ concerned about health of two journalists on hunger strike
NY Sun After Three Years, Cuban Free Press Lives On
Inquirer Cuban hungers for Internet access -- Dying for it
BosNewsLife, Hungary Cuban Activists Pray for Political Prisoners
(click on photo)
Guillermo Farinas
Babalu has a list of people and organizations you can contact on Mr. Fariñas's behalf.
If you're a blogger and want to link to this post, or join the blogburst, please let me know at faustaw-at-yahoo-dot-com, and remember to use the technorati tags below.
Save Guillermo Fariñas
TODAY, now, take two minutes and sign a petition. It costs you nothing, you won't get spammed, and you'll be doing something that people in Cuba can't do at all.
Other bloggers participating
Atlas Shrugs, which lists other jailed journalists.
Publius Pundit
Latino Issues
Freedom of religion, economic prosperity, and social justice CANNOT happen without the freedom of information for which he now gives his life.The Cotillion
Castro doesn't want us to know about Fariñas or about his country. I won't help Castro hide. Not today. ¡Ya no mas!More bloggers
Striving for average
Cake Eater chronicles
Instapundit & Michelle Malkin (how about a little credit, guys?)
The Truth Laid Bear
Even more bloggers
All Things Beautiful
Riehl World View
The Dumb Ox
Will Ed Asner, Mike Farrell, Steven Spielberg, Barbara Streisand, Harry Belafonte, Oliver Stone or just about anyone in Hollywood or the mainstream media protest Castro's barabarism? European and American leftists outraged over Gitmo when the rest of Cuba is a concentration camp? Journalists regularly land in jail to be beaten and abused in Castro's commie paradise, why is our fetid left completely indifferent to their plight?Love America First
(technorati tag Guillermo Fariñas, Internet, )
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