Fausta's blog

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Guillermo Fariñas blogburst, today

Yesterday's blogburst has been a huge success. Thousand more have read about Guillermo Fariñas, thanks to the many blogs who participated.

Elephants in Academia writes In support of Dr. Guillermo Farinas Hernandez
This might, on the surface, seem a cause hardly worth dying for. After all, as recently as ten years ago I functioned pretty well without internet access. So why all the fuss? Shouldn't Dr. Farinas get over himself, have a good meal and learn to enjoy the island workers' paradise? In the silence of our mainstream media over his plight you can almost hear the jaded sighs of "I wish I could throw out my blackberry/cellphone/laptop and not be so constantly bothered with this flood of information."
As Betsy says,
Think of how access to the Internet provides a a window on to the world and how such access can challenge tyranny. You can go here to sign a petition in support of Fariñas.

And then ponder why the American media isn't covering a fellow journalist who is willing to die to protest for the freedom to communicate on the Internet.
At least the Canadian radio interviewed Val last night.

More at Not Exactly Rocket Science

I hope Mr. Fariñas will hear that people around the world know of his plight.

(technorati tag , )


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