Fausta's blog

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The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The chomskiness of it all, and today's articles from Maria

Democratic apostasy: The martyrdom of Abdul Rahman. Civil Commotion has more on the case.

Just give me some truth on immigration

Noam Chomsky goes for the maximum available return while he preaches against it. There’s a famous definition in the Gospels of the hypocrite, and the hypocrite is the person who refuses to apply to himself the standards he applies to others.

Ebola test urgent amid globalism.

As Japanese Bring Work Home, Virus Hitches a Ride. A computer computer virus named Antinny, to be exact.

The Princess Diana water feature's not worth the money.

Since everything's to be regulated, the EU's now setting its sights on pipe organs. Is the botafumerio next?

Today's funny video:
Via Juan, Italian RAI TV network invites a Zapatero look-alike (click on photo)

Don't miss the "Spain can't go into Iraq" part.


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