Today's articles
Don't miss Michael Fumento's article When "science" plays politics
Yet published studies at least are subject to debunking. Try reading between lines that don't exist because journals refuse to publish them.I higfhly recommend Fumento's books; these are his most recent:
Such was the case this month when Science killed a paper at the very last minute by respected British scientist Peter Lawrence. It criticized "the cult of political correctness" that insists men and women are born thinking alike. Editor-in-chief Donald Kennedy explained it didn't "lead to a clear strategy about how to deal with the gender issue" — as if Science hasn't published countless papers on global warming with no strategy on how to deal with it.
In fact, of the hundreds of global-warming articles in Science and its British counterpart, Nature, just try finding one that doesn't take the doomsayer party line.
He also wrote Science Under Siege: Balancing Technology and the Environment, and The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS
At the blogs:
Philomathean has a nice post on Darren McGavin.
Jay posts that ACLU: Refusal To Be Investigated Is Evidence Of Guilt
Articles from Maria
On the Halimi murder: The grisly murder of Ilan Halimi should concern the entire Jewish world; not only the entire Jewish world, but the entire world.
Ralph Peters is reporting from Iraq. Today's article is titled Faith, blood, and bombs
Our effort to help Iraqis build a rule-of-law democracy may yet fail. But it remains a better bet that Iraq will become the most equitably governed major Arab state and that a democracy, however imperfect, will stand where a monstrous regime fell.Read the rest.
Russian Style: Dying Young -- by design
Pinpointing Chest Pain
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