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Monday, February 27, 2006

Today's articles, the Carnivals, and Tevye does Tokio

I'm recovering from what I thought was a very bad cold but turned out to be bronchitis, and now I seem to be able to read my email but can't answer it -- your patience is appreciated.

Centripetal Force: The case for staying in Iraq (also available here).

From Art, a NYT editorial, A Judicial Green Light for Torture about a very troubling story of a Syrian-born Canadian, Maher Arar, who was jailed for several months and then sent to Syria where he was tortured. In addition to the civil rights abuse, the story raises many questions, including why Syria, which under no definition of the word would qualify as an ally on the war on terror.

From Mary, US will fund Hamas Authority after all. Israel warns humanitarian aid will reach terrorists
After adamantly vowing to deny American funding to the Hamas terrorist organization, Washington at the weekend backtracked by saying it will not halt aid to the Palestinian Authority, but will merely attempt to redirect it to humanitarian works.
The EU's doing practically the same thing:
Europe has stepped in to save the Palestinian Authority from imminent financial collapse with an offer of 120m euros ($140m; £83m) emergency aid.
The European Commission says the money is for "basic needs" and will keep the authority running for about two months.
Maria's articles
Cricket World Cup 2007 Prepares For Muslim Terror Threat - But Anti-U.S. Bias Weakens Security Effort

Dr. Krauthammer writes about the Dubai ports issue in Harbour exit, while Matt Towery looks for Good conservatives. Maria also sent The facts about the ports deal

New York pans skyscraper escape pods because the bureaucrats thought "the project was unworthy of the necessary building permits."

The carnivals
Northern New Jersey Real Estate Bubble hosts the Carnival of New Jersey Bloggers #41


Carnival of the Insanities

And there's an upcoming Carnival of Bauer, too.

On a lighter vein, Tevye does Tokio. Enjoy!

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