Let's see what's getting coverage:
Secret audiotapes of Saddam Hussein discussing ways to attack America with weapons of mass destruction,
or three year old Abu Ghraib photos, released through the intercession of the ACLU?
Which photos are being shown on TV: Michael Totten's, or Abu Ghraib?
What has CNN shown, the Mohammed cartoons, or more Abu Ghraib?
Then there's the UN, that paragon of morality, outraged over Guantanamo and calling for tolerance and dialogue
In light of the recent offensive publication of representations of the Prophet MuhammadNotice that last sentence: It's the opening sentence in the UN press release. Those thirteen words establish two things right off the bat:
1. the publication of the "representations" (in fact, the Jyllands-Postencartoons, of which three didn't show any image of Muhammad at all, and three other images added by a delegation of Danish imams who fabricated anti-Muslim artwork) is offensive.
2. it's not Muhammad, it's the Prophet Muhammad.
I don't recall the UN protesting any offense over any representation of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
If I were a cynic I would point to the timeliness of the UN's Human Rights Commision's current outrage: Mohammed cartoons derail talks on rights body (emphasis mine)
Talks to establish a new United Nations human rights body in Geneva have been thrown into disarray by Muslim calls for new clauses against blasphemy.Dr. Sanity asks, Is yet another legend of the left going to get a well-deserved debunking?
. . .
Heuzé said the aim had originally been to get the final resolution on the new body – which is set to replace the discredited Geneva-based UN Human Rights Commission – adopted on Wednesday so it could begin to function this summer.
The proposed Human Rights Council is based on a model drawn up by Swiss human rights expert, Walter Kälin.
. . .
World leaders agreed at a UN summit in September to create a new body to replace the 53-member Commission on Human Rights, known for giving seats to countries such as Sudan and Zimbabwe and blocking criticism of rights abusers.
I doubt it. It'd take a lot more than that: You must read ShrinkWrapped's post, where he explains,
In the time before open hostilities break out it is common for adversaries to probe each other's defenses. The current war with the Iran/Syria/Saudi/Islamic fascist axis is underway, not only in Iraq and other places, but in the pages of our MSM. The more convinced the Iranians become that the West will back away from the coming confrontation, the more emboldened they will become, again increasing the likelihood that they will set off the nuclear weapon which will make a shooting war inevitable.While you're at it, if you think the attack on the free press pertains only Middle Eastern matters or ruthless dictatorships, think again.
Update For sure, this won't be getting any coverage, either.
(technorati tags muslim cartoon, Denmark, jyllands-posten mohammed, muhammad cartoon, Iran, Islam, United Nations, Abu Ghraib, Iraq)
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