The crescent of death memorial to flight 93, and today's articles
Error Theory blog has a Flight 93 Memorial ACTION ALERT: Stop the terrorist-memorial mosque!:
The Flight 93 Memorial Project just announced a pair of public meetings this Saturday at the Somerset County Courthouse where it promises “a major, exciting announcement,” with architect Paul Murdoch in attendance.The public is invited to the meeting, and if you're in the Somerset county area, I urge you to attend: The meetings of the Flight 93 Memorial Task Force and the Flight 93 Federal Advisory Commission will be held on Saturday February 18, 2006. The Task Force meeting will be held from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and the Federal Advisory Commission meeting will be held from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM. Both meetings are open to the public, and will be held at the Somerset County Courthouse, Courtroom #1, 111 East Union Street, Somerset Pennsylvania.
The Project’s last public meeting was the unveiling back in September of Paul Murdoch’s winning Crescent of Embrace design, with its half-mile wide Mecca-oriented crescent. It is very likely that Saturday’s meeting is to announce that Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton has given final approval to Murdoch’s design, based on the insignificant design changes announced in late November. The design is now called simply The Flight 93 Memorial instead of The Crescent of Embrace, but the half-mile wide Mecca-oriented crescent is still there, as are all of the other Islamic and jihadist design elements of the original Crescent design.
Prior posts Dec 1, 2005, September 12, 2005
(technorati tags Flight 93 Memorial, crescent of embrace, Flight 93, September 11, 9/11)
At the blogs:
Much Ado about Mohammed. How much? 1,357 comments and counting . . .
Maria's article today: Garu Sinise
I love Gary Sinise. So does Maria, who sent this article: Actor Gary Sinise: Positive Support for Iraq. And of course, GS is the co-founder of the Lt. Dan Band. Or as Forrest would pronounce it, "Lt. Dang".
(technorati tag Gary Sinise)
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