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Thursday, January 12, 2006

On the Alito hearings:
The Democrats' Last Roar, By Way of Princeton.

What I haven't figured out yet is,
The Democrats contend that Alito shouldn't serve as Chief Justice because he belonged to some obscure campus organization over thirty years ago. Yes, obscure. Who the hey other than a few Princeton U alumni, and now many Democrat politicians, remember Concerned Alumni of Princeton?? (Concerned Alumni of Princeton is not to be confused with Princeton U's Community Auditing Program). And Alito is called a liar on the floor of the Senate because he states that he wasn't an active member of CAP. Via Volokh, Ed Whelan posted yesterday (emphasis mine),
I have been informed by a very reliable source that Senate Judiciary Committee staffers have reviewed the entirety of William Rusher's CAP documents at the Library of Congress and have determined that those documents make no mention at all of Alito.

This should be no surprise, as New York Times reporter David Kirkpatrick reviewed the same documents in late November 2005 and made the same determination.
[see also Update 3 below.] Somebody tell the Daily Prince.

Alito is to be hung over CAP but Robert Byrd, the senior senator from West Virginia, after being not only a member of the Ku Klux Klan, not just a Klan organizer and advocate, but the "Exalted Cyclops," the top officer in the local Klan unit, who, as a senator, opposed with other southern Democrats the Civil Rights Act of 1964, is referred to by the Washington Post as "a pillar of the Senate".

Senate Civility: Why Mrs. Alito left the room
Senator Kennedy demanded to know whether Judge Alito had read various articles on CAP that had appeared more than two decades ago, including an editorial that ran in these [WSJ] columns on January 17, 1985.
Ted Kennedy, of all people, expects Alito to remember an editorial in the WSJ from Jan. 17, 1985 (the WSJ dug that one up today: see Doing It Right: The editorial Sen. Kennedy wants Judge Alito to read) -- twenty-one years ago almost to the day. The senior senator from Massachussetts can remember newspaper articles from 21 years ago but was too drunk to remember what he did on July 19, 1969.

Maybe it's because, in Democrat eyes, acts committed in the past are part of "a story of sin and redemption", but only if you're a Democrat?

Update: Another link from Maria, Maybe now Americans will under stand what a ruthless, partisan bunch of bullies walks the halls of Congress — pretending to statesman status.

Sigmund, Carl and Alfred writes on Moheddy Kennedy.

Roger L. Simon's Psychoanalyzing Teddy, while Dr. Sanity's praying PLEASE LET IT END SOON

Update 2 Welcome, MondoAlito readers! Please visit often, and bookmark my blog if you enjoy it.

Update 3 Earlier, the panel's chairman announced that staffers had examined records of a controversial Princeton University alumni group once cited by Alito in a job application, but had found no mention of Alito.

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(My thanks to Maria for the links to three of the above articles)


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