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Friday, November 18, 2005

Twenty-one nights of riots: List of torched churches
via ¡No Pasarán!, Alex Corvus (link in French) lists (postal code and area in parenthesis),
05e Nuit.31oct-01 novembre. Lundi-Mardi
- La Teste-de-Buch (33260 Gironde).Cimetière Profané

5th night, Monday Oct, 31 to Tuesday, Nov. 1,
La Teste-de-Buch (33260 Gironde): desecrated cemetery.

10e Nuit. 05-06 novembre. Samedi-Dimanche
- Liévin (62800 Pas-de-Calais).Eglise.

10th night, Saturday Nov 5 to Sunday Nov. 6,
Liévin (62800 Pas-de-Calais): burned church.

11e Nuit. 06-07 novembre. Dimanche-Lundi
- Lens (62300 Pas-de-Calais).Eglise de Saint-Edouard.
- Sète (34200 Hérault). Eglise de l’Ile de Thau.

11th night, Sunday Nov. 6 to Monday, Nov. 7,
Lens (62300 Pas-de-Calais): St. Edward's Church.
Sète (34200 Hérault): Church of the Island of Thau.

12e Nuit. 07-08 novembre. Lundi-Mardi
- Strasbourg (67000 Bas-Rhin). Eglise Saint-Benoît.

12th night, Monday, Nov. 7 to Tuesday Nov. 8,
Strasbourg (67000 Bas-Rhin): Church of St. Benedict.

15e Nuit 10-11 novembre Jeudi-Vendredi
- Houdain (62150 Pas-De-Calais).Chapelle Polonaise. Saccage de l’Eglise.(voir à ce sujet la lettre de Patrick Bednarek , président de Polonia)
- Rance (Belgique). Eglise Sainte-Aldegonde. Saccage de l’Eglise.

Houdain (62150 Pas-De-Calais): Polish Chapel, ransacked (which was the subject of a letter by Polish President Patrick Bednarek).
- Rance (Belgium): Saint Aldegonde's church, ransacked.

16e Nuit 11-12. Vendredi-Samedi
- Vesoul ( 70000 Haute-Saône).Eglise. Porte Incendiée

16th night, Friday, Nov. 11 to Saturday, Nov. 12,
- Vesoul ( 70000 Haute-Saône): church door burned.

17e Nuit 12-13. Samedi-Dimanche
- Brignoles (83170 Var). Eglise.Porte incendiée.

17th night, Saturday Nov. 12 to Sunday, Nov. 13,
- Brignoles (83170 Var): church door burned.

18e Nuit 13-14 novembre.
- Nanteuil-lès-Meaux (77100 Seine et Marne).Cimetière profané

18th night, Nov. 13 to 14,
- Nanteuil-lès-Meaux (77100 Seine et Marne): desecrated cemetery.

19e Nuit 14-15 novembre.(??)
- Draveil (91210 Essone) 2 Chapelles Incendiées(?) dont Eglise évangélique des Bergeries.

19th night, Nov. 14 to 15 (??),
- Draveil (91210 Essone): 2 chapels burned (?) at the Bergeries Evangelical church.

20e Nuit 15-16 novembre. Mardi-Mercredi
- Romans-sur-Isère (26100 Drôme).Eglise Saint-Jean-d’Ars. Incendie criminel.

- Romans-sur-Isère (26100 Drôme): Church of Ste Joan d'Ars, arson.
The Astute Blogger wonders why the media isn't paying attention to this, the way they'd pay attention to burned mosques.

While the Reuters headline says French unrest dies down, the article reads,
Ninety-eight vehicles were set ablaze during the night, a sharp drop from the peak of the violence when 1,400 vehicles were torched in one night on November 6 by youths who say they are excluded from mainstream French society.

"The situation has returned to normal because about 100 vehicles are set on fire each night in France," a police spokesman said.
At least the Beeb's headline was more accurate than Reuters, French violence 'back to normal'
French police say levels of violence in France have returned to normal, following three weeks of unrest by urban youths across the country.
Let's hope they stay away from the churches.

Update: Maria sent Victor Davis Hanson's article, Europeans fooling themselves with utopia.

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