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Saturday, November 26, 2005

The great economic news
Bruce posts, Bush Economy Steams Into Full Throttle
If Bill Clinton or John Kerry were President, the CBS Evening News would change their theme music to “Happy Days Are Here Again” and CNN would have 24-hour live team coverage of the booming economy from every corner of the nation.
Michael Narda says Only policymakers can screw up this economy. Here are three suggestions to continue the growth trend:
  • Extend the tax cuts, and make them permanent. Flatten all the top tax rates to 25% (h/t Larry Kudlow)
  • Mercilessly pare down Trim the highway bill and the energy bill.
  • Dump any and all protectionist trade legislation. End all farm subsidies.
While you think of a few more, Larry Kudlow has The Good News from Michigan. Larry was right.


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